Dear TCC Friends,<br><br>
In the midst of your busy days...I look forward to seeing you throughout
the week!<br><br>
God Bless,<br><br>
Fr. Paul<br><br>
advent reconciliation / confession service<br>
tuesday - dec 7 - 7:00pm
- mit chapel<br><br>
holy day mass of the immaculate conception<br>
wednesday - dec 8 - 12:00
(noon) - mit chapel<br><br>
seasonal mass (christmas party) <br>
saturday - dec. 11 - 8:00pm (party follows @ 9:00pm in w11) <br><br>
sunday masses - dec. 12 - 9:30am, 1:00pm,
& 5:00pm <br>
an invitation:<br>
<b>remember tcc this christmas<br>
enhance your giving dec. 11-12<br><br>
</b>tcc invites our students to join in the seasonal giving of our alumni
& friends in our collections next week.<br><br>
according to your means...we ask our students to consider giving the
price of: <br>
<i>* a nice meal...or a cd<br>
</i>* <i>a fancy coffee or drink<br>
</i>* <i>double what you normally give<br>
</i>* <i>whatever extra you can afford<br>
Paul Reynolds<br>
Priest / Chaplain<br>
MIT Tech Catholic Commuinity<br>