[TCCM] Bulletin for the week of 2/19/23

Luke A Wagner wagnerl at mit.edu
Fri Feb 17 16:06:09 EST 2023


This is the bulletin for the week beginning on February 19, 2023.

Mass Times:

  1.  No Mass or Confession will NOT be offered on Monday (2/20) due to President’s day (thanks George Washington 🙄)
  2.  Mass on Tuesday 2/21 will be held at 8 am (yes, you read correctly, it is in the morning)
  3.  Ash Wednesday (2/22) Masses will be held at 12:05 pm and 7:30 pm
  4.  Semester Mass times:
     *   Sunday Masses at 9:30 am, 1:00 pm, 5:00 pm
     *   Weekday Masses:
i.       Wednesday at 7:30 pm
ii.      Thursday and Friday at 12:05 pm

     *   Adoration:
i.      Tuesday at 10:00 pm
ii.      Wednesay at 8:00 pm (confession available)

Upcoming Events

  1.  Fat Tuesday Party:
     *   Where: W11 Main Dining Room
     *   When: Tuesday (2/21) at approximately 8:30 am… at the conclusion of the 8 am Mass (maybe 9:00 with Father’s homilies 😂)
     *   What: Enjoy delicious food, ideate Lenten devotions, or mourn the loss of meat on Fridays
     *   Please: Fill out this<https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=utmvZM8Oz0q8NpNfYjW6i4Mu0IkVs8lAjIBME_WXZBtUNjRHU09BWFRCVkxQMEtKM0ZQNTRYU0RHWC4u> form to RSVP
  2.  Women’s Ministry Apostolate:
     *   Where: W11
     *   When: Every other Friday Morning (see calendar<https://mitcatholic.org/calendar> for specific dates) at 7:30-9:30 am
     *   What: Eat and bond with other TCC Women

Weekly Events:

  1.  Rosary 2/24 @ 6:30pm in a TBA place
  2.  Spaghetti Supper 2/24 @ 7pm in a TBA place
  3.  FOCUS Bible Studies
     *   Please contact your FOCUS Missionary for more information
  4.  Back Bay Mobile Soup Kitchen

Slack Workspace:
If you would like to get invited to the Slack workspace, please fill out the “Get involved” form at: Connect Form<https://mitcatholic.org/get-connected#connect-form>

MITCatholic LinkedIn Group:
MIT Catholic is now on LinkedIn! You can join the group here<https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12783224> to grow your network.

God Bless,
Luke Wagner

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