[TCCM] TCC Bulletin 11 January 2020

Kevin Limanta klimanta at mit.edu
Sat Jan 11 14:09:10 EST 2020

​​​​​Hey friends!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! This is the first bulletin of the year 2020, for week starting on Sunday, January 12, 2020. PDF of bulletin is attached.

Bulletin link: http://web.mit.edu/tcc/archives/public/bulletin/2020/bulletin.2020-1-12.pdf

  *   ​​Winter Weather Closings
  *   Sunday Mass resume TODAY, 1/12/2020 with Masses at 9:30 AM, 1 PM and 5 PM.
  *   Weekday Mass Schedule

  *   IAP Class: How Science Confirms and Complements Catholic Sexual Ethics: Chastity, Psychotherapy, and Neuroscience​

  *   TCC Winter Retreat

Weekly ongoing and other events:

  *   Melchizedek: ended for this semester
  *   RCIA
  *   Women's marriage discussion group
  *   St Monica Society
  *   Integrity at MIT
  *   Grad Student / young professional Bible studies
  *   Small group Bible Studies for undergrads and grad students
  *   Spaghetti Supper
  *   Prison Ministry in Boston
  *   Drop in grief support group


Winter Weather Closings: Whenever MIT closes, or whenever the roads are unsafe for Fr. Moloney to make it into campus, it is likely that Mass or other activities will be cancelled. To receive notice that Mass is cancelled, it is important that everyone subscribe to TCCM at mit.edu<mailto:TCCM at mit.edu>, our main mailing list. To add yourself to the list go to:  http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/tccm.

Sunday Mass resume TODAY, 1/12/2020 with Masses at 9:30 AM, 1 PM and 5 PM.

Weekday Mass Schedule:

              Thursday, 1/16 to Tuesday, 1/21  @  5:15 PM

              Wednesday, 1/22 @ 4 PM

                Starting on Thursday, 1/23 our regular Weekday Mass Schedule resumes.

How Science Confirms and Complements Catholic Sexual Ethics: Chastity, Psychotherapy, and Neuroscience

This IAP course explores the topic of sexuality and self-mastery from classical philosophical and theological perspectives informed by evidence-based cognitive psychology and contemporary neuroscience. We will discuss how pleasure, reason, emotions, habit, will-power, commitments, love, and freedom coincide and often conflict, and will propose a framework for answering current questions. Professor: Fr. Robert Gahl, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Ethics at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Santa Croce) in Rome. Five classes between 1/16-1/22, 6-8:30 pm, dinner provided. For more info, see http://student.mit.edu/iap/ns372.html

TCC Winter Retreat: Save the date - February 14 - 16, 2020. TCC is planning the Winter Retreat at the Betania II Spiritual Life & Marian Center in Medway, MA. Space is limited. Keep the weekend free and watch for more details.


Melchizedek Group for Priestly Vocations: Will  resume with the Spring semester.

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) and Course in the Fundamentals of the Catholic Faith: Fr. Moloney will be offering a class in the fundamentals of the Catholic faith on Sundays @ 11:15 AM in W11/SDR.. It is required for those in becoming Catholic, being Baptized, receiving First Communion, or being Confirmed (who should also reach out to Fr. Moloney to set up a time to talk individually (dmoloney at mit.edu<mailto:dmoloney at mit.edu>). Resumes with the Spring semester.

Announcing the St. Monica Society to pray for family members who are not close to the faith.

Contact tcc-pc at mit.edu<mailto:tcc-pc at mit.edu> for details.

Women's Marriage Discussion Group. This group meets every other week to discuss marriage as a vocation. It is open to all women (i.e. you do not need to be married). Please email tcc.marriage.vocation at gmail.com for additional details or to be added to the group's listerv. Dinner will be served and kids are welcome!

Integrity at MIT: Do you have trouble staying chaste? Are you tired of failing to live up to your virtues? Join a peer support group of Catholic men struggling for chastity. Contact integrity at mit.edu<mailto:integrity at mit.edu> for more information and times of weekly meetings.

Are you a Graduate Student or Young Professional interested in deepening your Catholic faith and understanding of Scripture? The grad men's and women's groups will be holding weekly Bible studies during the semester. Contact Brandon Roach (roachb at mit.edu<mailto:roachb at mit.edu>) or Aileen Devlin (amdevlin at mit.edu<mailto:amdevlin at mit.edu>) for more info.

Small Group Bible Studies: Graduate and undergraduate students are invited to join one of the many groups that meet to open the Scriptures and discuss the faith. Contact.. catherine.alex at focus.org or phillip.wullschleger at focus.org<mailto:phillip.wullschleger at focus.org>

Spaghetti Suppers: Join the TCC every Friday night from 7-9 PM in W11 Comm. Rm for a free spaghetti supper!

Not happening on 1/17.

Prison Ministry in Boston: MIT Student OPS (Operation Prisoner to Soldier) is an MIT outreach program partnered with TEJI (The Educational Justice Institute). More info and questions contact Jacqueline Pedlow (jpedlow at mit.edu<mailto:jpedlow at mit.edu>).

Drop-in Grief Support Group: Tuesdays from 5–6pm in W20-303. Open to students of all religious, spiritual, moral, and ethical viewpoints. See http://calendar.mit.edu/event/life_after_loss_drop-in_support_group


In Christ, through Mary, Mother of God,
Kevin Limanta
tcc-webmaster at mit.edu

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