[TCCM] [TI] TODAY 5:30 - The Distinctiveness of Human Intelligence

Bridget Bohlin bohlin at mit.edu
Fri Oct 12 08:48:31 EDT 2018

*MIT Thomistic Institute Presents: *
*The Distinctiveness of Human Intelligence*
A lecture by *Fr. Anselm Ramelow, OP** (Dominican School of Philosophy and
Theology, Berkeley).*

*Date: This Friday, October 12th*
*Time: 5:30 PM*
*Place: 4-163 (MIT)*
*Refreshments to follow. *

appreciated to help us keep track of attendance.

Fr. Anselm Ramelow is a Catholic priest in the Order of Preachers. He is
professor of philosophy at the *Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology* in
Berkeley and currently the chair of the philosophy department. He obtained
his doctorate under Robert Spaemann in Munich on Leibniz and the Spanish
Jesuits (*Gott, Freiheit, Weltenwahl*, 1997) and did theological work on
George Lindbeck and the question of a Thomist philosophy and theology of
language (*Beyond Modernism? - George Lindbeck and the Linguistic Turn in
Theology*, 2005). He contributed articles to the *Historisches Wörterbuch
der Philosophy* and essays on topics at the intersection of philosophy and
theology, as well as a translation and commentary on part of Aquinas’ *De
veritate*. He continues to work on questions of free will, philosophy of
religion (miracles, existence and nature of God) and philosophical

Upcoming TI Events:
10/25 - Can Animals be Intelligent? *Prof. Marie George*

*For more information and recordings of past talks, please visit
the Thomistic Institute homepage <https://thomisticinstitute.org/mit-ti/>.*
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