[TCCM] TCC Bulletin (October 8, 2017)

Adam B Estes abestes at mit.edu
Fri Oct 6 17:25:00 EDT 2017

== TCC Bulletin (October 8, 2017) ==

In this bulletin:
(1) Tech Catholic Talk: Pope Francis, Laudato Sí, and Technology in Our Culture
(2) Graduate Student Email List
(3) Melchizedek Group for Priestly Vocations
(4) Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) and Course in the Fundamentals of the Catholic Faith
(5) Training sessions for Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
(6) FOCUS Bible Study
(7) Spaghetti Suppers
(8) BBMSK (Back Bay Mobile Soup Kitchen)
(9) Want to join the Choir
(10) Cardinal Sean O'Malley
(11) Fiat
(12) Natural Family Planning Family Night

=== (1) Tech Catholic Talk: Pope Francis, Laudato Sí, and Technology in Our Culture, by Sister Damien Marie Savino, F.S.E., Ph.D. ===
Friday, October 13, 6 PM, Kresge Auditorium Rehearsal Room A. Dinner will be served, starting at 5:30; while the talk will begin at 6. See back of bulletin for a description of the talk. See the back of this week's bulletin<http://tcc.mit.edu/www/bulletin>!

=== (2) Graduate Student Email List ===
Join the tcc-grads email list (go to MIT's WebMoria list manager) to hear about upcoming events for TCC graduate students.

=== (3) Melchizedek Group for Priestly Vocations ===
Fr. Moloney will lead a reading and discussion group about the nature of the priestly vocation and how to discern if God is calling us to the "ancient order of Melchizedek" (Heb. 5: 6, 7:17). Meeting times TBD. To attend doesn't mean that you are thinking about entering the seminary, or even that you're not dating. It can simply mean that you're interested in supporting others think about the priesthood. If interested, contact Ricardo J. Rodriguez Garcia (ricardor at mit.edu<mailto:ricardor at mit.edu>).

=== (4) Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) and Course in the Fundamentals of the Catholic Faith ===
Fr. Moloney will be offering a class in the fundamentals of the Catholic faith that will cover everything from the Trinity to Church history to the Sacraments, prayer, and the moral life. It is meant to be both a high-level introduction to the faith appropriate for interested non-Catholics, and a serious review of the faith for those who are Catholics. It is required for those who want to enter the Church. Classes will start in early October and run for the rest of the year. For more info contact (dmoloney at mit.edu<mailto:dmoloney at mit.edu>).

=== (5) FOCUS Bible Study ===
Interested in forming deep friendships and getting to know the mind and heart of Jesus Christ through His Word? Sign up for a weekly Bible study! Contact the FOCUS missionaries at lisa.driscoll at focus.org or 720-938-7692.

=== (6) Spaghetti Suppers ===
Join the TCC every Friday night from 7-9 PM in the W11 Community Room for a free spaghetti supper! This is a time for food, fellowship, and fun. Not happening 10/13 (see Tech Catholic Talk above).

=== (7) BBMSK (Back Bay Mobile Soup Kitchen) ===
We serve homeless communities in Back Bay and Cambridge giving out socks, sandwiches, and a friendly presence to folks we come across on the street. When? 6:00 PM on Tuesdays at W11 or 6:00 PM on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays in front of St. Clement's Shrine. For more info, visit bbmsk.org!

=== (8) Want to join the Choir?===
Contact Piotr Suwara (suwara at mit.edu<mailto:suwara at mit.edu>).

=== (9) Cardinal Sean O'Malley ===
Cardinal Sean O'Malley will be celebrating a Mass at St. Francis Chapel in the Prudential Center on Boylston St. on October 16 at 12:05 PM. The purpose of the Mass is to inaugurate the permanent display of the first-class relics of Pope St. John Paul II, St. Maximilian Kolbe and St. Faustian Kowalska for public veneration at the Chapel.

=== (10) Fiat ===
A discernment group for single women considering a vocation to religious life in the Catholic Church. The next meeting is Wednesday, October 25 from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. at St. Clement Eucharistic Shrine, 1105 Boylston St., Boston. If interested please respond to Sister Marian Batho, Sr_Marian_Batho at rcab.org or call 617-746-5637.

=== (11) Natural Family Planning Family Night ===
The Archdiocese of Boston is hosting an event to introduce people to Fertility Awareness/Natural Family Planning trainers, and provide contacts to help people learn and practice these methods: Tuesday, October 17, 6:30-8:00 PM, at St. Patrick Church in Watertown. Children are welcome! Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/natural-family-planning-social-nighttickets-38464637767.

May the peace and love of Christ be with you always!

The weekly bulletin can be found at http://tcc.mit.edu/www/bulletin

To Subscribe to the TCC Google Calandar follow this link http://tcc.mit.edu/www/calendar.html<http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Ftcc.mit.edu%2Fwww%2Fcalendar.html&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNGktVuiKX59iwhkiwjNBRznGVq47w> and click on the "+ Google Calendar"  link at the bottom of the webpage.

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