[TCCM] Grad student night out TOMORROW

Daniel P Moloney dmoloney at mit.edu
Thu Mar 9 16:38:35 EST 2017

A reminder:
The Tech Catholic Community invites all graduate students, friends of, and plus ones to come to our mid-March get together from 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM THIS FRIDAY (10 March).

We have rented out the Thirsty Ear Pub in Ashdown House (235 Albany Street; Cambridge, MA). We will have food for you and, most importantly, we will have Catholicism-themed team-based pub trivia!!!. So, study your trivia, and get excited! Yes, it is a Friday in Lent, and you might have given up drinking and eating meat, but that’s not a reason why you shouldn’t still come: forcing yourself to meet and socialize with new people can be itself a Lenten sacrifice… So offer it up, and come spend time with your fellow Catholic grad students!

See the Facebook event. Share the Facebook event:

NOTE: You must be 21 to enter, but grad families with young children are welcome, according to the pub staff. Make sure to bring 21+ and MIT IDs with you.

And last but not least, there will be soft drinks for anyone who is not drinking, either permanently or just for lent!

Contact Cory Frontin <cfrontin at mit.edu<mailto:cfrontin at mit.edu>> if you have any questions.

Fr. Daniel Patrick Moloney, Ph.D.
Catholic Chaplain, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MIT Building W11-012
40 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02139
617-252-1779 (office)
617-910-0463 (mobile and text)
dmoloney at mit.edu<mailto:dmoloney at mit.edu>
blog: spiritualdirections.tumblr.com/
DONATE: http://tcc.mit.edu/www/donations.html
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