[TCCM] TCC Bulletin (June 5, 2016)

Laura D'Aquila ldaquila at mit.edu
Mon Jun 6 17:24:50 EDT 2016

*== TCC Bulletin (June 5, 2016) ==*
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

TCC salutes our Graduates and welcomes our visiting Alumni, Family, and

In this bulletin:

(1) Summer Mass Schedule
(2) Help us help others - Graduating students please stay in touch!
(3) TCC Newsletter
(5) Cambridge Soup Kitchen
(6) School of Community
(7) Grad/Young Professional Women's Bible Study
(8) Ended Programs
(9) How to Donate to the TCC
(10) "We're All in This Together" - The TCC and the Communion of Saints

=== (1) Summer Mass Schedule ===
TCC's Summer Mass Schedule with Sunday Masses at 10 AM / Chapel has started.

   - Sunday Masses at 9:30 AM, 1 PM and 5 PM will resume in the fall.
   - Weekday Masses will resume in the fall.

=== (2) Help us help others - Graduating students please stay in touch! ===
Please make sure you are listed as Catholic on WebSIS. TCC will send you an
annual newsletter to keep you up to date on our activities.

   1. Log on to WebSIS (http://student.mit.edu)
   2. Choose ‘For Students – Personal Records’
   3. Choose ‘Biographic Record’
   4. Choose ‘Optional Religious Affiliation’

=== (3) TCC Newsletter ===
Alumni who do not already get our yearly Newsletter and info and would like
to, please add in your alumni profile "Tech Catholic Community" as a
"student activity", or call or email the Alumni Fund (617-253-8270 /
alumnirecords at exchange.mit.edu) to mark you "catholic". You also can
contact TCC (617-253-2981 / catholic at mit.edu) and we will forward it for

=== (4) BBMSK ===
6:00 PM on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays in front of St. Clement's
Shrine. RSVP at bbmsk.org!

=== (5) Cambridge Soup Kitchen ===
Meets on Tuesday at 6 PM in W11. Travels down Mass Ave. to Central Sq.

=== (6) School of Community ===
Run by Communion and Liberation, an international ecclesial movement. For
more info contact David (campeau at mit.edu) or boston.usa.clu at gmail.com.

=== (7) Grad/Young Professional Women's Bible Study ===
Meets in Davis Square in Somerville on Monday evenings, 6:45-8pm. Contact
Camille (cmcarlisle at alum.mit.edu) for more info.

=== (8) Ended Programs ===
The following programs have ended:

   - Basic Course in Catholicism
   - Sunday Night Supper
   - Monday Night Discussion
   - Bible Study with FOCUS Missionaries
   - Weekday Masses
   - TCC Wednesdays
   - Graduate Bible Study
   - Book Club 'Ad Lucem'
   - Rosary in Maseeh Basement

Look for these programs again in the fall.

=== (9) How to Donate to the TCC ===

   1. Visit http://tcc.mit.edu/www/donations.html
   2. Click on the Give Now button
   3. Enter an amount to give
   4. If a recurring gift, indicate the frequency
   5. Proceed to check out

Your donations can count toward your MIT class gift. Just log in to
Infinite Connection at checkout. TCC Fund #2558700

=== (10) "We're All in This Together" - The TCC and the Communion of Saints
See the back of this week's bulletin

May the peace and love of Christ be with you always!

The weekly bulletin can be found at http://tcc.mit.edu/www/bulletin
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