[TCCM] TCC Bulletin (May 24, 2015)

Laura D'Aquila ldaquila at mit.edu
Fri May 22 22:04:53 EDT 2015

*== TCC Bulletin (May 24, 2015) ==*

Pentecost Sunday

In this bulletin:

(1) Summer Masses

(2) Special Masses

(3) Help us help others - Graduating students please stay in touch!

=== (1) Summer Masses ===

TCC's Summer Mass Schedule starts this Sunday (5/24) with Sunday Masses at
10 AM / MIT Chapel.

   - Sunday Masses at 9:30 AM, 1 PM and 5 PM will resume in the fall.
   - Weekday Masses will resume in the fall.
   - Watch for summer social, prayer, and educational events.

=== (2) Special Masses ===
All are invited to the following events. Please bring family and friends!

   - Graduation Mass: Thursday, June 4 at 5 PM / MIT Chapel. Reception will
   follow in W11 Main Dining Room.
   - Alumni Mass: Sunday, June 7 at 10 AM in Kresge Little Theater.
   Reception will follow in the Theater Lobby. (Only one Mass that Sunday.)

=== (3) Help us help others - Graduating students please stay in touch! ===

Please make sure you are listed as Catholic on WebSIS. TCC will send you an
annual newsletter to keep you up to date on our activities.

   1. Log on to WebSIS (http://student.mit.edu)
   2. Choose 'For Students - Personal Records'
   3. Choose 'Biographic Record'
   4. Choose 'Optional Religious Affiliation'

May the peace and love of Christ be with you always!

The weekly bulletin can be found at http://tcc.mit.edu/www/bulletin

Archives of the bulletin can be found at
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