[TCCM] Weekly Bulletin (September 26, 2010)

Tony Valderrama tvald at MIT.EDU
Sun Sep 26 14:29:12 EDT 2010

== TCC Bulletin (September 26, 2010) ==

In this bulletin:
(1) Holy Hour and Chaplet of Divine Mercy (10/1)
(2) Simple Supper (10/3)
(3) TCC Council Meeting (10/3)
(4) Retreat Planning Committee

May the peace and love of Christ be with you always!

The weekly bulletin can be found at http://tcc.mit.edu/www/bulletin
Archives of the bulletin can be found at 

=== (1) Holy Hour and Chaplet of Diving Mercy (10/1) ===

There is a group praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet on every 1st Friday of 
the month at 3pm in the Chapel.  The next holy hour prayer will take 
place on this Friday, October 1.

=== (2) Simple Supper (10/3)  ===

Please join us in W11 for a simple supper after the 5pm Mass!  If you'd 
like to cook, please email Maita (the TCC Community Coordinator) at 
tcc-cc at mit.edu.

=== (3) TCC Council Meeting (10/3) ===

The TCC Council will be meeting in the W11 Small Dining Room at 4pm. 
All are welcome.

=== (4) Retreat Planning Committee ===

The Council is currently forming the retreat planning committee.  Please 
contact tcc at mit.edu if you're interested, or come to the council meeting 
on Sunday.  The retreat is scheduled for 10/22-10/24.  More details and 
registration will be available in the coming weeks.

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