[TCCM] Apple Picking on Oct 11

Kristelle Angelli kangelli at MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 5 16:01:48 EDT 2010

As you may know, TCC will be sponsoring an Apple Picking Trip on Columbus Day,
Monday, Oct. 11.  The bus will be leaving from 77 Massachusetts Ave at 2:30pm
and we will return at 8:30pm.  We will head to Bolton Spring Farm for apple
picking (www.boltonspringfarm.com), then to the abbey for Evening Prayer and a
tour, with a chance to meet some of the brothers. Then we will have dinner and
head home.  The bus and dinner will be free of charge but if you would like to
pick apples, the orchard charges $20 per half bushel (in the past, some
students have teamed up and shared a half bushel). We have 40 seats on the bus
and so far, 25 have signed up.  So please let me know asap if you plan to come.
If we reach 40 students, we will start a wait list.  Hope you can make it!

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