[TCCM] Talk by Msgr. Lorenzo Albacete

Loni Butera loni at MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 28 13:02:03 EDT 2008

A TCC co-sponored event.....

Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Reason, Experience and Search for Happiness: A Public Talk by Msgr.  
Lorenzo Albacete
Speaker: Monsignor Lorenzo Albacete
Time: 7:00p–8:30p
Location: 3-270
Msgr. Lorenzo Albacete, a close friend of Pope John Paull II, is a  
physicist by training. He holds the degree in Space Science and  
Applied Physics as well as a Master's Degree in Sacred Theology from  
the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. He holds a  
doctorate in Sacred Theology from the Pontifical University of St.  
Thomas in Rome. He is co-founder and has been a professor at the John  
Paul II Institute in Washington, DC. He has taught at St. Joseph's  
Seminary in Yonkers, NY, and from 1996 to 1997 served as President of  
the Catholic University of Portorico in Ponce. He has been Advisor on  
Hispanic Affairs to the US National Council of Catholic Bishops.

He is a columnist for the Italian weekly Tempi, has written for The  
New Yorker, and has appeared or has been interviewed on CNN, The  
Charlie Rose Show, PBS, EWTN, Slate, The New Republic, and Godspy.

Msgr. Albacete is the author of God at the Ritz: Attraction to  
Infinity. A Priest-Physicist Talks About Science, Sex, Politics and  

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