[TCCM] Folkloric Dances in Honor of Immaculate Conception

Ruben Sanchez-Fernandez Ruben at MIT.EDU
Thu Dec 6 16:27:44 EST 2007

Dear Tcc community,

In Guatemala, the day before Immaculate we celebrate with folkloric dances and
traditional food, "chuchitos y Ponche", so you are invited to attend a
Guatemalan tradition in Simmons Hall, Multipurpose Room, this Friday 7th. from
6:00 to 7:30 pm, get at least a cup of Ponche de frutas, and let us be prepared
for this Big Day of our Lady.

Ruben Sanchez-Fernandez
Fulbright Humphrey Fellow
SPURS @ Department of Urban Studies an Planning
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Of 9-465 tel.  617.324.3776

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