[Tango-L] open and close embrace

Tango Society of Central Illinois tango.society at gmail.com
Sat Jul 21 16:27:20 EDT 2007

On 7/21/07, Igor Polk <ipolk at virtuar.com> wrote:
> 2. Quality of Dance. "The close embrace is more intimate and permits
> greater
> sharing of emotion."
> No, they are equal. Open embrace can be more intimate than close embrace.
> How? Ask me personally. Emotions are transferred by artistic abilities.


This is not meant to dispute you in particular, but your comments provide
the context for further elaboration.

Imagine this. You're at a milonga. The club is crowded and the temperature
is warm. The DJ is playing great music and the sound system is clear. (BA
milongas tend to play music more loudly than US milongas.) The tanda just
starting is Calo - Beron or Demare - Beron. For me it could also be Di Sarli
- Podesta, Troilo - Fiorentino, possibly even Tanturi - Castillo or Biagi -
Amor. You spot a women with warm smile. She responds to your invitation to
dance. As you embrace, she extends her arm over your shoulder
affectionately, drawing you closer to her gently. She places her cheek
firmly in contact with yours. As you dance, the emotion of the music
overcomes both of you. Your breathing becomes heavier, also more
synchronous. The two of you move and breathe as one. The heat of the club
and the passion of the dance releases sweat on your face. The sweat on your
cheeks intermingle. The scent of her perfume, now amplified, premeates your
nostrils. You forget where you are. You don't have to think where you are
going - the music and the space on the floor guides you. Time seems to stop.
You are at peace.

This experience cannot be achieved in open embrace. It can only be achieved
dancing tango in close embrace. It's something that makes tango a special
unique experience.


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