<br>-We are excited announce that Homer Ladas will be coming to TangoJoven with his wife/partner Cristina! <br>-Geraldine Rojas & Ezequiel Paludi will be teaching and performing together first time in US. Chicago is their ONLY stop in North America before they return to
BsAs.Don't miss it.<br> NOTE:Their classes are filling up quickly, so before it's too late, register and reserve your spot in the class.<br>- American Airlines, Official Airlines of TangoJoven 2007 gave 2RT tickets to Buenos Aires.
<br>The raffle will be held at Benefit Milonga -Tango Fashion Show benefiting unprivileged children in Chaco, Argentina. <br><br>Come to Chicago for the celebration of Argentine Tango Culture July 5-9 weekend.<br><div style="text-align: left;">
<br></div> <span style="font-weight: bold;"><span style="font-weight: bold;"></span><a href="http://festival.tangoshusheta.com">http://festival.tangoshusheta.com</a></span><br><br>-20% discount is still valid for single leaders!
<br>-Tight budget!! very affordable lodging just arranged check HI-Hostel <a href="http://www.hichicago.org">www.hichicago.org</a> $32/p (just 2 blocks away from Symphony Center).<br>- Don't forget to check <a href="http://www.hotrooms.com">
www.hotrooms.com</a> for last minute deals.<br><br>Great City<br>Great Faculty line up<br>Great Venue<br><br><br><div style="text-align: left;"><span style="font-weight: bold;"><span style="font-weight: bold;">
</span><a href="http://festival.tangoshusheta.com">http://festival.tangoshusheta.com</a></span><br></div><br>TangoJoven2007 Festival Committee <br><br>