SPECIAL WORKSHOPS AND MILONGA IN MILWAUKEE <BR> May 11-12, 2007 <BR>WITH PEDRO ‘TETE’ RUSCONI & SILVIA CERIANI<BR><BR>Tete and Silvia will be in Milwaukee on Friday, May 11 and Saturday, May12th to give a series of workshops. The workshops on Friday will be at Friday: Vicki Inc Art Gallery , (414-828-9525) 338 North Milwaukee St , Studio #407, Milwaukee . The workshops on Saturday will be at Hotwater Milwaukee (www.hotwatermilwaukee.com), 818 S. Water St. , Milwaukee . Silvia, who djs at Salon Canning in Buenos Aires , will dj at Vicki Inc. Art Gallery on Friday evening. Tete and Silvia will also give a performance that Friday evening.<BR><BR>Pedro “Tete” Rusconi is the foremost teacher of the close embrace style of Argentine Tango (“milonguero style”). Since 1995, Pedro “Tete” Rusconi and Silvia Ceriani have been dancing and teaching together. They have toured throughout
Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Holland, Spain, Belgium, Sweden and the United States (Ohio and Arizona), offering group and private classes and exhibitions or performances and being part of Tango Festivals. They prioritize the attention in the musical compasses, the sensibility of the body, and the liberty of the movement. Their tango waltz classes are worldwide highly appreciated. Tete is noted for his individual style of musicality, and the tango of the golden era of the 1940’s and 1950’s.<BR><BR>Tete and Silvia have two tango instructional videos, (www.bridgetothetango.com/bttv/tete.htm), that are used and seen by most close embrace dancers. They are: Fundamentals of Salon Tango with Tete & Silvia; and Advance Salon Tango in Waltz Rhythm with Tete & Silvia. Paul Pellicoro of New York wrote the book "Paul Pellicoro On Tango" (2002), where he discusses the masters of tango and included in the book is Tete and Silvia. The following are links
to videos where you can watch Tete and Silvia perform: <BR>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJDowJI0-7s – Tete and Silvia dancing tango waltz; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alcBFsaRoPQ – Tete and Silvia dancing tango.<BR><BR>Pedro “Tete” Rusconi & Silvia Ceriani Workshop Schedule<BR>FRIDAY MAY 11 – Vicki Inc Art Gallery , 338 North Milwaukee St , Studio #407, Milwaukee<BR>8:00-9:30PM - TETE BASIC EMBRACE (all levels) <BR>1. in the axis of the body of dance; 2. equilibrium and displacement; and 3. musicality and rhythm.<BR>9:30-midnight – SOCIAL DANCE MILONGA<BR>with Special Guest DJ from Argentina Silvia Ceriani – Cost $10 at the door<BR><BR>SATURDAY MAY 12 - Hotwater Milwaukee, 818 S. Water St. , Milwaukee<BR><BR>12:00-1:30PM – ON THE DANCE FLOOR (all levels)<BR>1. changes of direction; 2. turns; and 3. what is cadence<BR><BR>2:00-3:30PM – CHOREOGRAPHY AND IMPROVISATION <BR>-Forgetting the Steps (intermediate-advanced) <BR> 1.
possible sequences; 2. infinite combinations; and 3. repetition vs improvisation.<BR><BR>4:00-5:30PM – VALS – (intermediate advanced)<BR>Advanced concepts in Vals.<BR><BR>Important Notes:<BR>• Classes were designed in a progression and we strongly recommend to don’t skip the first classes since Tete & Silvia fundamentals are very different than anybody else, please don’t assume that you already know the material even if you consider your self more advance, we suggest to take the classes in the order that were assigned<BR>• We’ll encourage partners rotation but you are welcome to keep your own partner and in case of mixed levels you should stay with people of your own level<BR>• We recommend to arrive 20 minutes earlier to each class to register, check-in and<BR>warm-up<BR>• Private classes are available with Tete and Silvia Priority will be given to attendees of the workshops. Cost is $100/hour.<BR><BR>For more information on the workshops or private
lessons contact Ray Barbosa at chicagomilonguero@yahoo.com or 708-955-6040. You can also contact Jill Marie re the workshops at either: sacredvoice9@yahoo.com or at 414-708-0049_____________________________________________________________________<BR>Pre-Registration Form<BR>Pedro “Tete” Rusconi & Silvia Ceriani in Milwaukee , May 11-12, 2007<BR><BR>Name_____________________________ lead __ follow ___ <BR><BR>Address_____________________________________________<BR><BR>City, State____________________________Zip_____________<BR><BR>Phone_____________________________Email_________________<BR><BR>Classes you will attend <BR>__ Friday, May 11, 8:00-9:00pm - Basic Embrace <BR>__ Saturday, May 12, 12-1:30pm On the
Dance Floor <BR>__ 2-3:30pm Choreography and Improvisation <BR> <BR>__ 4-5:30pm Vals <BR><BR>Payment (full time students take 20% off all prices)<BR>All weekend workshops and milonga<BR>(by May 7) ____ $80<BR>(after May 7) ____ $100<BR><BR>Individual classes <BR>(by May 7) ____ x $25 <BR>(after May 7) ____ x $30<BR><BR>Total
enclosed _________<BR><BR><BR>Please make checks payable to Ray Barbosa. Mail this form with payment to Ray Barbosa, 129 Francisco Terrace, Oak Park , Il 60302<BR>Payment can also be made through www.paypal.com . Please make payment to chicagomilonguero@yahoo.com and please note the classes you plan on attending.