<div class="moz-text-html" lang="x-western"> Dear Tango Friends;<br> <br> These are the latest news from the <big><b>THIRD ATLANTA TANGO FESTIVAL</b></big>, to be held <big><b>March 29 - April 1st 2007</b></big>.<br> <br> <u><b>The festival teachers and DJs include:<br> </b></u> <ul><li><b>Brigitta Winkler</b> (Berlin, New York)</li><li><b>Silvina Valz</b> (Paris, Buenos Aires)</li><li><b>Tomás Howlin</b> (Montreal, Buenos Aires)</li><li><b>Caroline Peattie and Christopher Nassopoulos</b> (San Francisco)</li><li><b>Robin Thomas and Jennifer Olson</b> (New York, Portland)</li><li><b>Robert Hauk</b> (Portland)</li><li><b>Ramu Pyreddy</b> (Ann Arbor)</li></ul> More details available at <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="http://www.atlantatangofestival.com/teachers.html">www.atlantatangofestival.com/teachers.html</a><br> <br> A preliminary schedule of events is already available in our webpage (<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated"
href="http://www.atlantatangofestival.com/schedule.html">www.atlantatangofestival.com/schedule.html</a>). A more detailed schedule, assigning classes and teachers, will be made public soon.<b><u><br> <br> HOTEL RESERVATION DEADLINE:</u></b><br> <br> All the milongas and workshops will take place at the Holiday Inn Select in Downtown Decatur. The hotel is located in one of the most dynamic neighborhoods in metro Atlanta, surrounded by coffee shops and restaurants and only one block from the direct train connection to the airport.<br> We have negotiated discount rates with the hotel, but the rate will depend on the day the reservation is made. <u><b>The first deadline is only six weeks away</b></u>. These are the details:<br> <br> <ul><li class="style2">Early bird rate $79/per night, single or double occupancy, when reserved by <strong>January 14th</strong></li><li class="style2">After <strong>January 14th</strong> , $89/per night, single or double occupancy.</li><li
class="style2">Starting <strong>February 15th </strong>, $99/per night, single or double occupancy. </li></ul> Discount rates are available by calling <big><b><big><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1"><big><big>404-371-0204</big></big></font></big></b></big>. Please mention the Tango Festival when making the reservation.<br> For more details, please visit our webpage <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="http://www.atlantatangofestival.com/venue.html">www.atlantatangofestival.com/venue.html</a><br> <u><br> <b>REGISTRATION:</b></u><br> <br> Registration is open and already picking up for the next edition of the Atlanta Tango Festival.<br> These are the passes we offer:<br> <br> <b>Full festival pass ($145)</b>: Includes all the events from Friday to Sunday.<br> <b>Weekend pass ($120)</b>: Includes all the events Saturday-Sunday.<br> <b>Milonga Pass ($45)</b>: Includes all milongas and practicas Friday-Sunday.<br> <b>Student Pass ($100)</b>: Full
festival pass for students with valid ID.<br> <br> Please visit <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://atlantatangofestival.com/pricing.html">http://atlantatangofestival.com/pricing.html</a> for details.<br> Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question or doubt.<br> <br> A <u><b>festival pass</b></u> is the perfect <u><b>HOLIDAY PRESENT</b></u> for a tango fanatic that has already too many pairs of shoes and every album ever recorded by Troilo.<br> We can send a pass to the person and address you indicate when registering.<br> <br> <b>SPECIAL CLASS FOR TEACHERS</b><br> <br> <b>Friday March 30th, 7:30-9:00 PM:</b> Brigitta Winkler and Tomás Howlin will direct one more session of their <b>Teachers Training Network</b>. In their own words, the goal of this special class is <font style="color: rgb(0, 0, 191); font-weight: bold;" size="2"><font ptsize="10" family="SANSSERIF" lang="2">"to learn about the learning process. It is about how to teach. It is
about networking with your fellow tango teacher colleagues. <u>Not to be mistaken to be a most advanced tango class</u>, not a challenging pattern technique, etc., class</font>"</font>. It is a great opportunity to share your teaching experience with fellow tango teachers from all over the country.<br> <br> Given the special characteristics of this class, attendance will be limited and it is restricted to current teachers or dancers that will start their teaching career soon. <b>RSVP as soon as you can</b>. We encourage all teachers across the country to take advantage of this great opportunity to learn from two of the most innovative, inspiring and creative tango teachers.<br> <br> This class is not included in any pass for the Atlanta Tango Festival.<br> However pricing will be as follows:<br> With a Festival or Workshop Pass, only <b>$15</b> additional, payable at the door.<br> Otherwise,<b> $35</b> at the door.<br> (This class is not available
through Paypal.)<br> <br> As always, we encourage everybody to visit our webpage <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="http://www.atlantatangofestival.com/">www.atlantatangofestival.com</a> for frequent updates on the festival latest news.<br> <br> See everybody here in the spring.<br> <br> angel montero (<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:angel_montero01@yahoo.com">angel_montero01@yahoo.com</a>)<br> alan forde (<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:fordeas@earthlink.net">fordeas@earthlink.net</a>)<br> </div><p> 
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