<div>FOCUS ON FOLLOWERS, FRIDAY,NOV.17,with Horacio Arcidiacono,</div>
<div>6:30 - 8:30pm at Arthur Murray Dance Studio,Northbridge Shopping Center,1706 Hwy 171W.Ashley area,Charleston,29407 ~ Open to all ~ $30pp.Followed by a practica.</div>
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<div>DINNER MILONGA, SUNDAY, NOV.19, upstairs at Mistral Restaurant,99 S.Market ST.,downtown Charleston,29401. 6:00pm- til. Free with purchase of food or $5 to Mistral. Join us to dance and/or socialize!</div>
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<div>THANKSGIVING WEEKEND MILONGA SATURDAY,NOV.25~CASA DEBBIE~at the home of Debbie Marlowe,362 Sweetgrass Creek Rd.,James Is.,29412, 7:30PM-TIL?</div>
<div>Food provided,bring your favorite beverage. Room to crash,bring bedding.(843)813-2919.</div>
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<div>HOLIDAY MILONGA AT CASA CARTER,SATURDAY,DECEMBER 16.More info to follow......</div>