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<DIV><FONT face="Trebuchet MS" color=#800000>
<DIV><STRONG style="FONT-WEIGHT: 400"><FONT face=Arial size=4>MARIANA
DRAGONE: Blending the Traditional with Nuevo<BR>Limited Time Chicago
Appearance<BR><BR>Performance by Mariana with Somer Surgit this Saturday at ATI
! Join us for the excitement!!!</FONT></STRONG></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=4><BR>Workshop Schedule & Pricing
<P><STRONG style="FONT-WEIGHT: 400"><FONT face=Arial size=4>TUESDAYS October 24
& October 31 at ATI: 7:30pm-9pm<BR><BR></FONT><FONT
face=Arial><U>Beg/ Intermediate Series:</U> 2 Classes geared for Beg/ Int
level and for those who wish to study the fundamentals<BR>Oct 24:
Milonguero Turns: Simple, rhymical, elegant.<BR>Oct 31: Barridas
(foot sweeps) & Sacadas (displacements)<BR>* October 31: Come in
COSTUME (no one admitted without!) and be prepared for a Late Night Halloween
TANGO BALL! <BR>ATI is located at 325 N. Hoyne (at Carroll: 290 to Damen
exit, Damen N to Carroll, Carroll W 1 block to Hoyne)</FONT><FONT face=Arial
size=4><BR><BR>WEDNESDAY October 25 at La Mariposa: Performance at Barba
Yianni to follow!<BR><BR></FONT><FONT
face=Arial><U>7:00--8:15pm</U>: <U>Women's
Technique:</U> Focus on musicality to create fluid
adornments<BR><U>8:30--10pm</U>: <U>Advanced:</U> Close
Embrace Colgadas & Volcadas for the milonga: Suggested to register as
a couple, limited space!<BR></FONT><FONT face=Arial size=4><FONT size=3><STRONG
style="FONT-WEIGHT: 400"><FONT face=Arial>La Mariposa is located at 1803 W.
Byron (2 blocks S of Irving Park Rd, 2 blocks E of Lincoln
Ave.)</FONT></STRONG><BR></FONT><BR>THURSDAY October 26 at Cafe Duvall:
Performance to follow<BR></FONT><FONT
face=Arial><BR><U>7:00--8:30pm</U>: <U>Int - Int/Adv:
</U> Milonga with Traspie<BR><U>8:30--9:00pm</U>:
<U>Chacarera!</U> Free for workshop participants, $5 by itself.<BR>Cafe
Duvall is located at 2257 W. 23rd Place (at Oakley: Western Ave. S (past
290) to 23rd Pl, 23rd Pl E 1 block to Oakley)</FONT></STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG style="FONT-WEIGHT: 400"><FONT face=Arial size=4>FRIDAY October 27 at
"Nuestro Tango" Milonga at the Latvian Center: Performance to
follow<BR></FONT><FONT face=Arial><BR><U>7:30--8:30pm</U>:
<U>Beginner thru Advanced</U>: Musicality: Express yourself in the
dance to different Orchestras<BR>Special price: $12 ! (Milonga
entrance $12 separate)<BR>The Latvian Center is located at 4146 N. Elston Ave.
(at Hamlin)</FONT></STRONG></P><FONT face=Arial size=4>
<P>SATURDAY October 28th at ATI: <BR></FONT><FONT face=Arial><BR>1pm -
2:30pm: Beg/ Int: "Milonguero" and Close Embrace "Salon"
Turns.<BR>2:45 - 4:15pm: Int/ Int II: Boleos & Rebotes (linear
& circular)<BR>4:30pm - 6pm: Int II/ Adv: Technique of
"Soltadas" (breaking open the embrace): Fun and elegant possibilities for
the milonga.<BR>ATI is located at 325 N. Hoyne (at Carroll: 290 to Damen
exit, Damen N to Carroll, Carroll W 1 block to Hoyne)<FONT face=Arial
<P><FONT face=Arial><FONT size=4>OPTIONS according to your level:
</FONT> (note that some classes overlap levels: you may fit within a
couple or all levels!) <BR><U>4 Beg/Int Classes: </U><BR>Tues Oct 24
Milonguero Turns , Wed Oct 25 Women's, 1pm Sat Oct 28 Turns, Tues Oct 31
Barridas/Sacadas<BR><U>4 Intermediate Classes</U>: <BR>Wed Oct 25 Women's,
Thurs Oct 26 Milonga Class, 2:45pm Sat Oct 28 Boleos/Rebotes, 4:30pm Sat Oct 28
Soltadas<BR><U>4 Advanced Classes</U>: <BR>Wed Oct 25 Women's, 8:30pm Wed
Oct 25 Volcadas/Colgadas, Thurs Oct 26 Milonga Class, 4:30pm Sat Oct 28
<P><FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#000000><FONT size=4>PRICING<BR>Payment options
online at <A
, including Pay Pal credit card acceptance.</FONT><BR>$20/class with
prepayment. $25/class at the door. <BR><BR>*All Packages should be
prepaid.<BR><BR>Che! Tango Package: $54/ 3 Classes ($18/Class)<BR>El
Canchero/ La Canchera Package: $68/ 4 Classes ($17/class)<BR>El Capo
Package: $80/ 5 Classes ($16/Class)<BR>Sacar Pelusa Package:
6+ Classes at $15/Class<BR><BR>*Couples' Discount: Register with a partner
for an extra 10% discount: Pricing online at <A
<BR><BR>*Send Checks made out to Nina Tatarowicz to 1104 N. Ashland Ave.
Chicago IL 60622. Please send check no later than Saturday, Oct
21.<BR><BR>*Or plan to give the check in person: Nina will be at the
following milongas this week:<BR>WED: Barba Yianni<BR>THUR: Cafe
Duvall<BR>FRI: La Mariposa<BR>SAT: ATI: Performance by Mariana
and Somer!<BR><BR>For more info and to register: <BR><A
href="mailto:ninatanguera@gmail.com">ninatanguera@gmail.com</A> /
312-730-8873 / <A
href="http://www.tangoelixir.com">www.tangoelixir.com</A> <BR></FONT></FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Arial></FONT> </P></DIV>
href="http://us.rd.yahoo.com/mail_us/taglines/postman8/*http://us.rd.yahoo.com/evt=39663/*http://voice.yahoo.com"></A> </DIV></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face="Trebuchet MS" color=#800000>Nina Tatarowicz<BR><A