Cecilia Gonzalez has arrived in Seattle! Come out to the Century Ballroom practica tomorrow and make her feel welcome!<br><br>Her Thursday night Quality of the Dance class is full for followers, but there are still a few slots left for leaders. There are also still a few time slots open for private lessons. Contact Shorey at
<a href="mailto:cachilas@gmail.com">cachilas@gmail.com</a>.<br><br>Cecilia Gonzalez will be in Seattle from the 19th-24th of September. She
<br>will be available for private lessons. Her class schedule will be as<br>follows:<br><br>Thurs, Sept 21 (at University Heights Community Center)<br>8pm: *Quality of the dance* (very advanced class)<br>This is Cecilia's favorite class. She will focus on all those tiny
<br>little things that will make your dance amazing (precision, technique,<br>sensitivity, musicality, etc...). This class is *pre-registration only*,<br>so email me soon if you'd like to be included.<br><br>Friday Sept 22 (at Dance Underground)
<br>6-7:30 *Dancing Together: <span name="st">a</span> class on Connection* (all levels)<br>7:30-9pm *Paradas y pasadas* (intermediate)<br><br>Saturday, Sept 23rd (at the Century Ballroom)<br>12-1:30 *Balance:
<span name="st">a</span> matter of trust* (all levels)<br>1:45-3:15 *Musicality and Dynamics *(intermediate)<br>3:30-5 *Follower's technique*, not restricted to women (all levels)<br><br>Sunday, Sept 24th (at the Century)
<br>1-2:30 *Turns, the structure *(Intermediate)<br>2:45-4:15 *Boleos and women's sacadas* (Advanced)<br><br>1 class: $25<br>2 classes: $45<br>3 classes: $65<br>each additional: $15<br><br>If you've got questions, would like to pre-register for classes or sign
<br>up for privates, please contact me at 971-221-3004 or<br><a href="mailto:cachilas@gmail.com" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">cachilas@gmail.com</a>. This schedule is also available on
<br><a href="http://www.allseattletango.com/" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">
www.allseattletango.com</a><br><div><span class="sg"><span><br>Shorey</span>