<div>August 13, <b><font color="#ff0000">T</font>ango <font color="#ff0000">P</font>orteƱo</b> at South Street Seaport, Pier 16 <br>
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One of the largest Weekly <span class="correction" id=""><span class="correction" id="">Milongas</span></span> in the states - <br>
Attracting 200 to 300 dancers every Sunday!<br>
Free Outdoor <span class="correction" id=""><span class="correction" id="">Milonga</span></span> May 7th through October 29th Rain**, or Shine <br>
<span class="correction" id=""><span class="correction" id="">DJ</span></span>: <b>Adam <span class="correction" id="">Hoopengardner</span> (the Hoop)</b><span class="correction" id="">, of Empire Dance</span><br>
* Free Beginner's lesson given by:<br>
<b><span class="correction" id="">Mariana</span> <span class="correction" id="">Galassi</span></b>, of Sandra Cameron Dance Center<b><span class="correction" id=""></span></b><br>
mgalassitango@yahoo.com; <br>
<b>When</b>: <br>
Every Sunday 7 pm until 12 midnight (or later) <br>
<b>Where</b>: <br>
Pier 16 boardwalk - between the Ambrose & Peking boats. <br>
** In case of rain, at the end of Pier 17, right behind the <span class="correction" id=""><span class="correction" id="">Compagnie</span></span> <span class="correction" id=""><span class="correction" id="">Internationale</span></span> EXPRESS clothing store.<br>
<b>How to get there</b>: <br>
- Subway: 2, 3, 4, 5, J, Z, M to Fulton Street, or A, C to Broadway <br>
Nassau, or #6 to Brooklyn Bridge +10 min. walk.<br>
- Bus: <span class="correction" id=""><span class="correction" id="">M15</span></span> to Fulton Street. <br>
- Car: <span class="correction" id=""><span class="correction" id="">FDR</span></span> Drive Exit 3 onto South Street.<br>
<b>Admission: FREE </b>(Donation suggested)<br>
*FREE CLASS at/around 8:30pm, organized by <span class="correction" id=""><span class="correction" id="">Ko</span></span>.* <br>
More info last minute updates at:<br>
http://spiceevents.net/tango_cp_<span class="correction" id=""><span class="correction" id="">sssp</span></span>.html <br>
or <br>
Richard <span class="correction" id=""><span class="correction" id="">Ripkin's</span></span>: <br>
<span class="correction" id=""><span class="correction" id="">www</span></span>.<span class="correction" id=""><span class="correction" id="">newyorktango</span></span>.com <br>
212 726 1111 (Tango <span class="correction" id=""><span class="correction" id="">Hotline</span></span>)</div>
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