<div>TRADITIONAL ARGENTINE TANGO<BR>Learn to dance Tango in a Natural & Easy way<BR>“A complete basic material to start to dance”</div> <div>With CARINA LOSANO: Official Instructor at the Embassy of Argentina, Instructor of Madonna for Evita" and <BR>ANTON GAZENBEEK & NATALIE LARUCCIA: Instructors and Anthropologists at World Tango Festival 2006 Buenos Aires</div> <div>Saturday July 1st</div> <div>1 pm to 2 pm – Canyengue, by Anton & Carina<BR>2 pm to 3 pm – Different types of giros w/ planeos,<BR>by Anton & Carina.<BR>3 pm to 4 pm – Evolution of boleos<BR>by Carina & Natalie.</div> <div>Sunday July 2nd</div> <div>2 pm to 3 pm – Orillero, by Anton & Natalie<BR>3 pm to 4 pm – Communication & Connection in<BR>the Couple, by Anton & Natalie.</div> <div>PINK FLAMENCO STUDIO<BR> <BR>4604 North Park Ave.<BR>Chevy Chase, Maryland, 20815.</div> <div>ALL LEVELS ARE WELCOME<BR> 1 class $25/2 classes $40/3 classes
$60<BR>(10% OFF with Tango Traveler Card)</div> <div>Contact: Sergio Segura 212-725-1078 or 301-585-3147<BR><A href="mailto:sergioseguratango@yahoo.com.ar">sergioseguratango@yahoo.com.ar</A><BR><A href="http://www.caritango.com">www.caritango.com</A> & <A href="http://www.sergioseguraproductions.com">www.sergioseguraproductions.com</A></div> <div>Sponsored by <A href="http://www.tangotravelercard.com">www.tangotravelercard.com</A><BR></div><BR><BR><DIV id=RTEContent> <DIV> <DIV> <DIV> <DIV><FONT face=verdana><STRONG>Sergio Segura</STRONG></FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT face=Verdana>Artist representative & Argentine cultural event producer</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT face=Verdana><A href="http://www.sergioseguraproductions.com">www.sergioseguraproductions.com</A></FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT face=Verdana></FONT> </DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><p> 
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