<TITLE>NA-E, NA-C, NA-W, EU-W, EU-E, AASP, *5 New* Christy & George DVDs & CDs from Color Tango & Gotan Project</TITLE>
Tango A Members,<BR>
The Tango Catalogue is proud to present five *new* DVD releases by Christy Cote & George Garcia and *new* CDs by Orquesta Color Tango & Gotan Project<BR>
<B>1</B>) Christy Cote George Garcia DVDs / Videos<BR>
2) Color Tango & Gotan Project CDs<BR>
<H3>*New* Christy Cote George Garcia DVDs / Videos<BR>
<B><U>D3720/V3720** Strictly Ganchos Enganches $49.99<BR>
</U></B>Ganchos (hooks) and Enganches (hooking actions) are the quintessential elements of classic Argentine Tango. These stylish and sometimes playful leg interactions will enhance your Argentine Tango and challenge you with unique and interesting figures including Leader's Ganchos and Enganches. (17 figures. Approximately 88 minutes.)<BR>
<B><U>D3721/V3721** Strictly Sacadas $49.99<BR>
</U></B>The Sacada or "displacement" adds so many possibilities to your dance. Christy George explain the basic Sacada technique and then take you through many variations including Follower's and Leader's Sacadas forward and back plus 2 bonus figures consisting of many Sacadas in succession which is sure to challenge even the most experienced dancers. (17 figures. Approximately 82 minutes)<BR>
<B><U>D3722/V3721** Strictly Volcadas $49.99<BR>
</U></B>The Volcada is currently one of the most popular elements of Argentine Tango. This challenging development, which takes the follower out of her vertical axis and "spills" her into a carpa (tent) or "leaning" position, is explored from its simplest form all the way to a Volcada-Colgada combination sure to challenge even the most experienced dancers. We recommend Christy George's Argentine Tango in Carpa with Volcadas (D3719) as the precursor to Strictly Volcadas. (19 figures. Approximately 104 minutes)<BR>
<B><U>D3723/V3721** Strictly Colgadas $49.99<BR>
</U></B>Shared axis turns or Colgadas have been the talk of the Tango scene in recent years. They are especially popular among "Nuevo" style dancers. Christy George will take you through the basic technique of Colgadas and continue with some of the most challenging combinations in all of Christy George's DVD collection. (15 figures. Approximately 74 minutes)<BR>
<B><U>D3724/V3721** Strictly Boleos $49.99<BR>
</U></B>The beautiful and elegant Boleo (aka "Voleo") is explored from basic Back Ochos to more advanced combinations including Linear Boleos. Christy George will share with you the understanding of how this element can easily be improvised into your dance giving you unlimited creative options in your Argentine Tango. (14 figures. Approximately 71 minutes) <BR>
<B><U>KGD327(DVDs) KGV327 (Videos)<BR>
</U></B>Any Five Christy George Videos or DVDs $229.99 <BR>
<H2>*New* CDs by Orquesta Color Tango & Gotan Project<BR>
Color Tango<FONT SIZE="4"> de Roberto Alvarez Unpublished Pugliese, 2005<BR>
<B><U>CDT106 Color Tango de Roberto Alvarez "Pugliese Inedito", 2005*** $12.00 <BR>
</U></B>Unpublished works of Osvaldo Pugliese: Barriada, Amorando, Brizna, Como Flor de Yuyo, De mi Corral, Para Héctor Larrea, La Paponia(p/ Luis Brandoni), Marga, A los Obreros Gráficos, Pa' l Vasco Uzurieta,<BR>
New tangos following in the foot steps of the Pugliese: Cadenero, Pa' los Tres, Estación Paternal, Oxidado, Piqueteros<BR>
<B><U>LCXLG843 Gotan Project - Lunático, 2006*** $14.00<BR>
</U></B>Amor Porteño, Notas, Diferente, Celos, Lunático, Mi Confesión, Tango Canción, La Vigüela, Criminal, Arrabal, Domingo, Paris - Texas<BR>
*Please allow 1-2 weeks for delivery.<BR>
**Videos in PAL Format please add $10 surcharge per video.<BR>
***Shipping from Argentina. Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.<BR>
Convenient ways to place your order<BR>
</U></B>1)Online www.thetangocatalogue.com<BR>
2)By Fax +617-666-4316<BR>
3)By Phone, 10am-6pm EST 888-382-6467 or 617-666-8518 <BR>
4)By Phone, Spanish/English answering service, North America Only 888-382-6467 24 hours /7 days a week<BR>
5)Mail your order to: The Tango Catalogue, PO Box 440394, Somerville MA, 02144 USA<BR>
Please tell your friends.<BR>
Doug Pouliot<BR>
The Tango Catalogue<BR>
The Authority on Argentine Tango<BR>
Boston MA<BR>
E-mail: doug@thetangocatalogue.com, thetangocatalogue@yahoo.com<BR>
Website: http://www.thetangocatalogue.com/<BR>
Online Catalogue http://www.thetangocatalogue.com/thetangocatalogue.pdf<BR>
888-382-6467 (US/Canada)<BR>
617-666-8518 Voice<BR>
617-666-4316 Fax<BR>
SKYPE User ID: dougdances<BR>