[Tango-A] NA-E: Special Seminar on CONNECTION IN TANGO with Javier Antar & Kara Wenham - In Philadelphia, November 22/23

Meredith Klein meredithleeklein at gmail.com
Mon Nov 10 15:38:13 EST 2014

Hi all,

I wanted to invite you to join us in Philadelphia for a unique and
dance-transforming two-day seminar on CONNECTION IN TANGO, taught by Javier
Antar & Kara Wenham.

It is common to define CONNECTION as the physical contact that we have with
our partner in tango. However, Javier and Kara view "connection" as an
umbrella term covering a variety of concepts, all of which allow us to tune
into our partner better and move more in sync with him or her. Some of
these concepts include:
** opposition
** spatial awareness between the bodies
** timing
** the embrace (including both close and open embrace)
** music (as opposed to musicality)
** and both passive and active moving.

During this six-workshop seminar, we will learn about and use all of these
concepts in order to develop the skills to connect optimally with each
partner. Each workshop topic provides a new framework within which we will
be studying the pervasive theme of connection in tango. This seminar is
aimed at intermediate to advanced dancers. Please click here for the
complete schedule:

The full six-workshop seminar costs $130 and includes entrance to Milonga
Qilombo on Saturday, November 22, which will take place at the Ruba Club
(414 Green St., Philadelphia, PA 19123) and feature DJ Manuk Colakyan, a
performance by Javier & Kara, and live jazz cortinas played by Wataru

For complete details & registration, please visit our mini-website on
Javier & Kara's visit to Philadelphia:
http://philadelphiatangoschool.com/javier-kara-2014.html.  To schedule
private lessons with Javier and/or Kara, please contact me directly:
meredithklein at gmail.com or 617-291-3798. Also, feel free to contact me for
help finding housing in Philadelphia.

Really hope that some of you can join us!

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