[Tango-A] NA-C: Brigitta Winkler Workshops & Milonga in Chicago. Next Weekend, March 16 &17

chicagomilonguero chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 7 09:55:10 EST 2013

Chicago Milonguero, Ltd. NEWSLETTER: March 7, 2013

Brigitta Winkler Workshops & Milonga in Chicago
Next Weekend

Workshops, March 16 & 17 at ArTango
Special Milonga, March 16 at Chicago Dance

Brigitta Winkler will be in Chicago for the first time next week from March 14-19, 2013 and will do a weekend of workshops on March 16 and 17 at ArTango, 4203 N. Ravenswood, Chicago. We will also have a special milonga with Brigitta Winkler on Saturday, March 16th from 9:30 pm - 1:30 am at Chicago Dance, 415 W. Huron, Chicago.

We have structured the classes for the intermediate and advanced dancer.  You can sign up with a partner or as individual if you take the full 6 class package which includes the milonga on Saturday evening, or purchase a full day pass.  We will attempt to gender balance the enrollment so that you can find a partner during the workshops.  People that sign up for an individual class will need to sign up with a partner.

Brigitta Winkler will be available for private lessons during her stay from March 14-19. Please email Ray Barbosa at chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com if you are interested in attending her workshops or are interested in taking a private lesson.

Brigitta Winkler currently divides her time between New York and Berlin.  She studied ballet and modern dance for many years.  In 1980, her life changed when she discovered Argentine Tango.  She then spent some years in Paris studying with Virulazo, a star of Argentine Tango.   Her first stage appearance was in 1986 in Montreal’s Tangoshow.

Brigitta teaches at festivals in the USA, Germany, Italy and Russia.  In 1987 she opened Tanzart in Berlin, which then became Phynixtanzt, her school in Berlin.  She studied intensively in the early 1980s in Buenos Aires with such noted dancers as Juan Carlos Copes, Antonio Todaro, Pepito, Gustavo Naveira, and Eduardo Arquimbau, among others.  Brigitta studied Authentic Movement and incorporates a four-year program of Body Mind Centering into her approach.  She is also the co-founder of the internationally acclaimed, all woman dance company, Tangomujer.

For more information about Brigitta, please visit her website:

Workshops, March 16 & 17

Saturday, March 16

12:00-1:15 pm: A: Fun with Crosses. (intermediate) The "landmark Tango cross: its history and variations for leader and follower.)

1:45-3:00 pm: B:  Matching Feet Milonguero.  Excitement and beauty to dance this system. (intermediate/ advance) Part A- technique, structure and improvisation.

3:30- 4:45 pm: C: Matching Feet Milonguero.  Excitement and beauty to dance this system. (intermediate/ advance) Part B- timing, musicality and step-patterns.

Sunday, March 17

12:00-1:15 pm: D: Endings and Beginnings. (intermediate) Classic patterns, musical structure, creative surprises!

1:45-3:00 pm: E : Stories: Examples and Playfulness with Adornos.
(intermediate) As the essence of thee dance, for leaders and followers.

3:30-4:45 pm F: Vals - dancing the flow (intermediate/advance) variety with giros and turns.

Classes will be held at ArTango, 4203 N. Ravenswood, Chicago, Il.

Special Milonga with Brigitta, Saturday evening, 9:30pm-1:30am. Chicago Dance, 415 W. Huron, 2nd fl, Chicago, Il. Dj: Ray Barbosa

Entire package: 6 classes and milonga................. .$ 150.00
Full time students: 6 classes and milonga ..............$ 120.00
Saturday classes...$ 85.00; Full Time Students........$    65.00
Sunday classes.....$ 85.00; Full Time Students........ $   65.00
Individual classes.....................................$   35.00
Individual classes - full time students.................$  25.00
Milonga .....................................$15/$10 FT students

Mail check by March 10th payable to:  Chicago Milonguero, Ltd., 100 W. MONROE ST., Suite 711, CHICAGO, IL 60603, (708) 955-6040, chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com

Pay pal payment:  Payment can also be made through www.paypal.com .  Please make payment to chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com and please note the classes you plan on attending.


For a flyer of the March 16 & 17 workshops go to
www.chicagotangofestival.com/BrigittaWS or go to
https://www.facebook.com/events/301401246646702/?fref=ts for more
information.  Brigitta Winkler will be available for private lessons during her stay in Chicago. If you have any question concerning the workshops or have an interest in a private lesson, please contact Ray Barbosa at 708-955-6040, email him at chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com , or contact him on facebook.

Thank you,

Ray Barbosa
Chicago Milonguero, Ltd.
Tel. 312-223-9825
Fax. 708-406-1604

2013 Chicago Mini Tango Festival will be held from April 18-22, 2013.

Susana Miller will be back in Chicago from May 30 - June 5th, with workshops on June 1 & 2.  If interested in attending these workshops, please send an email to chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com

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