[Tango-A] NA-C, NA-E, NA-W: Pablo Pugliese & Noel Strazza, Denver Memorial Day Tango Festival, May 21 - June 4, 2013.

Nina Pesochinsky nina at earthnet.net
Fri Apr 12 13:15:47 EDT 2013

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of Tango,

The registration is now open for Pablo Pugliese and Noel Strazza event 
during the Denver Annual Memorial Day Tango Festival 2013.  Pablo and Noel 
will be in Denver May 21 - June 4, 2013.

This event is a very special treat.  The schedule has been created 
specifically for the purpose of intense learning.  The focus is quality in
every detail.   All classes will be gender balanced.  Please let me know if 
you have any questions or if you would like me to send you registraion 

Thank you, dancers!

My warmest regards,


nina at earthnet.net



Pablo & Noel event on Facebook:


PABLO PUGLIESE & NOEL STRAZZA at the Denver Memorial Day Festival 2013 May
21 - June 4, 2013.

1)    May 21 - 26, 2013 (The Festival) - Elegance & Complexity of the Golden
Era Tango (focus on period between 1940s and mid 1990s) - Part I.

2)    May 29 - June 4, 2013 (for those who can't stop dancing) - Quality &
Style of the Golden Era Tango - Part II.

PERFORMANCES:  Pablo & Noel will perform on Saturday, May 25, 2013 at the
milonga at the festival.  Please watch for other announcements.

PROVATE LESSONS: Pablo & Noel will be available for private lessons May 22 -
24, 2013 & May 29-31, 2013.  They will teach most lessons separately and
some lessons together.  Private lessons are available first to those dancers
who are registered for the classes during one or both weekends.

REGISTRATION: You may request registration forms via e-mail.  Please
send your request to nina at earthnet.net.  Please return the registration form
with your payment as soon as possible.  The space in all classes is
limited to 46 dancers (23 couples). Registration deadline is Tuesday, April
23, 2013.

SPECIAL NOTE: This event is created in cooperation with Tom Stermitz and the
Memorial Day Festival.  It is NOT a part of the festival.  You must register
separately for this event.  These classes are also not a part of the
festival classes.  I prefer that you register for other festival events,
such as other classes and milongas at the same time as registering for Pablo
and Noel event if not sooner.  The link for the festival registration is
available at
http://denvertangofestival.com/.  Please direct all questions regarding this
event to me and all of the questions regarding the festival to Tom Stermitz.

LOCATION: All of the classes and lectures woth Pablo Pugliese and Noel
Strazza will be held at The Savoy Dance
Hall, 2700 Arapahoe St., Denver, CO, 80205.

(focus on the 1940s - mid-1990's era)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013 - Pablo & Noel will be present at the Tango Colorado
practica and will dance a demonstration around 9pm.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

7:30pm - 9pm - Tango (Int/adv) - The material may include, but is not
limited to the following:  the art of walking, el abrazo, musicality and
phrasing - $25

Thursday, May 23, 2013

7:30pm - 9pm - Milonga (Int/Adv) - $25

Friday, May 24, 2013

7:30pm - 9:00pm - Tango (Int/Adv) - The material may include but is not
limited to the following:   enrosques & planeos, barridas, paradas &
pasadas, sacadas for leaders and followers, etc.  - $25

Saturday, May 25, 2013

12pm - 1:30pm - Tango (Int/Adv - Adv) - The material may include but is not
limited to the following:   turns and changes of direction $30
1:45pm - 3:15pm - Vals (Int/Adv - Adv) - $30
3:30 - 5pm - 1940's Tango - History and Style (Int/Adv)- $25

Sunday, May 26, 2013

1pm - 2:30pm - Tango (Adv) - Turn dynamics, Combinations of changes of
direction, back and forward voleos, ganchos for leader and follower. - $35
3pm - 4:30pm - Milonga (Adv)  - $35

Tuition:  $190 for the entire series of 8 classes.  Individual class tuition
is listed next to each class, $24-$35 per class, depending on the level.


May 29-31, 2013 - Private lessons

Friday, May 31, 2013

7-9PM - Lecture:  The Quality & Complexity of the Golden Era Tango (1940s -
mid 1990s) - $20
The lecture will be followed by questions and answers.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

1pm-2:30pm - Tango (Int - Adv) - $30
3pm - 4:30pm - Milonga (Int - Adv) - $30

Sunday, June 2, 2013

1pm-2:30pm - Tango (Adv) - $35
3pm - 4:30pm - Vals (Adv) - $35

Tuition for the entire weekend -   $120.

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