[Tango-A] NA-W Luciana Valle Teaches in San Francisco

Gary Weinberg gntango at mindspring.com
Mon Sep 3 14:52:29 EDT 2012

Luciana Valle Returns to San Francisco!

Luciana's Workshops in San Francisco

Friday, Sept 14
Monte Cristo Club, 136 Missouri, SF
Actor/Receptor: Back & Forth from Leaders' to Followers' Sacadas I – Int
A workshop-length class, 7:30–9:00
$25 with milonga to follow or $40 for both Friday nights (no registration required: pay at the door)

Friday, Sept 21
Monte Cristo Club, 136 Missouri, SF
Actor/Receptor: Back & Forth from Leaders' to Followers' Sacadas II – Int/Adv
A workshop-length class, 7:30–9:00
$25 with milonga to follow or $40 for both Friday nights (no registration required: pay at the door)

Weekend Workshops in San Francisco (Pre-registration strongly suggested)

Saturday Sept 15 – Monte Cristo, SF


1. Secrets of a Good Tango – All Levels
1:00 – 2:30
Axis, Posture & Embrace in the Walk
2. Perfect Ochos – All Levels
2:45 - 4:15
Crosses & Pivots
3.  Center and Circle – Int 
4:30 – 6:00
Who's Turning Around Whom

Sunday Sept 16 – Monte Cristo, SF

Flying Legs

4. Circular Boleos I - Int
1:00 – 2:30
Technique and Dynamics
5.  Circular Boleos II– Int/Adv
2:45 - 4:15
Timing, Footwork, & Combinations
6. Boleos with Changes of Direction: the Latest Trends – Int/Adv

4:30 – 6:00
Back Boleos from Front Crosses and Vice Versa

Saturday Sept 22 – Monte Cristo, SF

Fancy Feet

7. From Spirals to Followers' Planeos – Int/Adv

1:00 – 2:30
Deep Techniques

8. Footwork in Lápiz, Enrosques & Planeos I – Int/Adv

2:45 4:15
Footwork that Accompanies and Enhances Spiral Techniques

9. Footwork in Lápiz, Enrosques & Planeos II – Adv

4:30 – 6:00*
Applying Advanced Techniques
*prerequisite: Workshop 8

San Francisco Weekend Workshop Pricing Specials for Pre-paid Registration before Sept 15, 2012

9 Classes  $225		5 Classes    $133
8 Classes    204	4 Classes     108
7 Classes    182   	3 Classes      82
6 Classes    156	2 Classes      56
             		1 Class        30

ALL WEEKEND CLASSES: $30 per class at the door.
	           CASH ONLY AT THE DOOR!

Sign up with a partner for a discount! 
You and your partner may add up your classes for higher discounts. For example, if you both sign up for the same 3 classes, you may split the 6 class rate of $156. Signing up together does not mean you must dance together for the whole time.  It is just to help us create evenly balanced workshops. You will be offered a chance to change partners.
Prepaid Couples Registration has higher priority than Prepaid Single Registration if the class is sold out and/or gender is unbalanced. Luciana’s workshops often sell out. To ensure a place for yourself, sign up with a partner.

Pre-Registration & Privates Contact: 
 Gary Weinberg
gntango at mindspring.com

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