[Tango-A] NA-E: This Saturday, Nocturne NYC, Murat and Michelle Erdemsel teach and perform, DJ Robin.

robin thomas robinthomastango at gmail.com
Wed Oct 17 10:46:42 EDT 2012

Nocturne Tango Salon, New York City's monthly one night tango festival.

This month Murat and Michelle Erdemsel teaching and performing.

@ Dancesport, 22 W 34th st 4th fl (east entrance)

Int class 9-10pm taught by Murat and Michelle
Milonga 10-3:30
Performance at midnight(ish)
Chacareras at 2am
DJ Robin
Entrada $12
$7 for college students with ID
No BYOB there is a cafe and cash bar.

Murat and Michelle are teaching workshops at Dancemanhattan October 27and 28

Saturday, October 27
Murat and Michelle will share their brand new workshops on musicality
and technique. Murat will also incorporate sections from his
internationally known lecture during these workshops. Bring the
creative artist and curious kid in you.

2–4pm INDIO MANSO, Carlos Di Sarli
2 hours work on musical structure and selecting steps more cleverly.
4–6pm TRES ESQUINAS, D’Agostino & Vargas
2 hours work on musical structure, melody, timbre and instrumentation
from a tango dancer’s perspective.

Sunday, October 28
Intermediate +

12:30–2pm TECHNIQUE
Working on EMBRACE, IMPROVISATION and TECHNIQUE about turns, sacadas
and colgadas.
2:30–4pm VALS
Practicing turns, learning tango through musical games.	

STANDARD PRICING: $40 per person per workshop

$70 for two workshops (save $10)
$130 for all four workshops (save $30)


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