[Tango-A] NA-E: 3/17 Nocturne NYC, Deigo Blanco & Ana Padron teach and perform, DJ Robin

robin thomas robinthomastango at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 20:24:35 EDT 2012

	Nocturne Tango Salon, New York's monthly one day tango festival.

@ Dancesport, 22 West 34th Street (bet 5th & 6th Aves), east entrance, 4th fl.

Teaching and performing Diego Blanco and Ana Padron.
DJ Robin Thomas.

Intermediate class 9-10pm
Milonga 10pm-3:30am
Performance at midnight.

Chacareras at 2am.

Entrada $12
Students with college ID's $7

No BYOB there is a cash bar and cafe.

Please exercise caution as you enter the floor, try and catch the eye
of the couple whose path you are about to jump into. try to get moving
right away so as not to block the flow of the dance floor.

It's all about the flow, we want the floor to move, try not to have
more space in front of you than behind you, there's no such thing as
moving too fast or too slow try to move the same speed as everyone
else, it's like driving :-)


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