[Tango-A] NA-E: 6/16 Nocturne NYC, Tomas Howlin & Shorey Myers, teaching and performing, DJ Robin.

robin thomas robinthomastango at gmail.com
Thu Jun 14 12:57:44 EDT 2012

Nocturne Tango Salon
New York's monthly tango festival, every third Saturday.

Dancesport 22 W 34th st (east entrance) 4th fl.

Intermediate class 9-10 taught by Tomas Howlin and Shorey Myers.
Performance by Tomas and Shorey at midnight.
Chacareras at 2am
No BYOB, there is a full bar.
Two large rooms, space for hundreds.
No teaching on the dancefloor!

Entrance $12
Students with ID $7

Tomas Howlin & Shorey Myers
Workshops NYC June 16-17

Join Tomas Howlin and Shorey Myers for some mind-boggling insights on
how to take your tango to the next level, and be cleverly entertained
in the process.

Tomas is a teacher of teachers and the master of Aha-moments.

Saturday June 16
3pm: Timeless Tango Gems: A brief collection of handy, forgotten
classics (interm + up)
4.30pm: Enlaces: Entangling sacadas (interm + interm-adv)

Sunday June 17
3pm: New Catch Dynamics: Orbiting your dance (interm + up)
4.30pm: Vertigo in Intimacy - close-embrace colgadas (int + interm-adv)

All workshops are 90 minutes.

No partner necessary, but if you prefer to have one, rsvp "join" on
Facebook , and look among who else is going.

Online Registration click here http://newyorktangoclub.com/register.html

individuals: one workshop $40, two $75, three $107, all $136
Couples: one $75, two $136, all $250

At the door only cash is accepted.


Chelsea Studios
151 West 26th St 5th floor, between 6 and 7 Ave.
We have a huge room with ample space for everybody.

Brought to you by Tine Herreman and Robin Thomas.

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