[Tango-A] NA-C: Small World Tango Festival (Albuquerque, Feb 17-20, 212). PRICE REDUCTION

Daniel Boardman CCIM daniel at danielboardman.com
Tue Jan 31 09:30:00 EST 2012

The Milonga Only Pass for the unique Small World Tango Festival 
(February 17-20, 2012) has been dropped to only $80!

This unique festival will be size-limited, gender-balanced, and all 
milongas will be held in the super cool Las Puertas venue (with 
transportation provided to and from the hotel venue at no charge!)

Teachers include: Brigitta Winkler (Berlin), Agustina Videla (Buenos 
Aires), and Maximiliano Gluzman (Buenos Aires)

DJs include: Martin Rybczynski, Mitra Martin, Paul Akmajian, and 
Michelle McRuiz

For full information regarding the festival: SmallWorldTangoFestival.com

Don't forget about the two day instructor training to be held just prior 
to the festival.

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