[Tango-A] NA-E: Homer & Cristina Ladas in Pittsburgh Feb. 3-5

Trini y Sean (PATangoS) patangos at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 30 20:09:41 EST 2012

PATangoS 10th Anniversary Weekend with Homer & Cristina Ladas
Feb. 3-5, 2012 

Join us as we celebrate with our friends from across the region!

Friday, Feb. 3
DJ Rich Walters
Classic Tango Upstairs, Alternative & Classic Tango Downstairs
Richard J. Walters Esq. Law Office & Dance Emporium
5005 Penn Avenue
Free, $3 per empanada

Saturday, Feb. 4 
Absolute Ballroom
6617 Hamilton Avenue

Sunday, Feb. 5
7:00-8:00pm  Lesson with Chewy & Yulia
8:00-11:00pm  Dancing
Wightman School
5604 Solway St, 3rd Fl

All milongas paid separately.

FRIDAY, Feb. 3 (Rich's Dance Emporium, 5005 Penn Ave.)
7:00-7:30pm  Registration & Warmup
7:30-9:00pm  1. Piazzolla and Beyond (All levels). 

SATURDAY, Feb. 4 (Absolute Ballroom, 6617 Hamilton Ave.)
Noon-12:30 Registration & Warmup
12:30-2:00pm  2. Women's Defaults and the Men who Enable Them (All levels)
2:30-4:00pm  3. The Art of Surprise (Int.)
4:30-6:00pm  4. Colgada Basics (Int).

SUNDAY, Feb. 5 (Absolute Ballroom, 6617 Hamilton Ave.)
1:00-1:30 Registration & Warmup
1:30-3:00pm  5. Women's Overturned Sacadas (Int/Adv.)
3:30-5:00pm  6. Colgada Odyssey (Int/Adv).  A continuation of Colgada Basics.  Participants must be comfortable with basic colgadas already.

1 class…$30
2 classes…$55
3 classes…$80
4 classes…$100
5 classes…$115
6 classes… $130

EARLY BIRD:  10% off if paid/postmarked by Tues, Jan. 31
TRAVELERS:  10% off if traveling 100+ miles
EARLY TRAVELERS:  15% off for Travelers paid/postmarked by Tues, Jan. 31
BEGINNERS (dancing less than 6 months):  $20 for workshops #1, 2, or 3. 
STUDENTS:  $20 for workshops #1,2,3,4 only.   Workshops 5 & 6 are at the regular price or quantity price differential.

Credit cards accepted through PayPal.  Send PayPal payments to patangos at yahoo.com.  Send checks payable to 
Trini Regaspi
3 Musgrave St.
Pittsburgh, PA  15207.  

For more information, contact Trini at patangos at yahoo.com or 412-521-1476.

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