[Tango-A] NA-C: Early, Early Bird Rates to the Chicago Mini Tango Festival

chicagomilonguero chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 6 10:47:41 EST 2012


Early, Early Bird Rates to the 2013 Chicago Mini Tango Festival end on January 1, 2013. This will be a great time to consider a CMTF pass as a Christmas or Holiday gift.

The Festival will be held at the Rosemont Hilton from Thursday, April 18 through Sunday, April 21, 2013. Information on registering for Beginner Program will be forthcoming. Entrance to this year's Festival will require the purchase of one of the various festival passes. There will not be any individual entry to classes or milongas. Passes will be sold until we reach our limit.

The instructors include Alicia Pons, Oscar Casas and Ana Miguel, Osvaldo Natucci and Enriqueta Kleinman, and Pablo Rodriguez and Eva Garlez. DJs will be Osvaldo Natucci, Pablo Rodriguez, Linda Valentino, Derrick Del Pilar, and Paul Akmajian. More information on the instructors and DJs can be obtained here: http://chicagominitangofestival.com/Instructors.php

The Festival will be held at the Rosemont Hilton. The special $109+tax/rate per night for 1-4 people is valid for the 2013 Festival. For more details and to register at the hotel go to: http://chicagominitangofestival.com/Lodging.php

The Early, Early Bird Rate for the Festival Pass is $250. There are also discounted rates available for other types of Festival passes. To register and pay for the festival, please go to: http://chicagominitangofestival.com/Payment_Registration.php
Please also complete the Registration Form at: http://www.chicagotangofestival.com/Registration_Form.php

Let your friends know that they can subscribe to our mailing list a couple of different ways:
1- this link on our website:  http://www.chicagotangofestival.com/Contact_Information.php ,
2- our Facebook Page:  http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=22276123852&ref=ts , or
3- on Twitter:  http://twitter.com/ChicgoMiniTango

Looking forward to seeing you in Chicago in April.

Take care,
Ray Barbosa
Chicago Milonguero, Ltd.
info at chicagotangofestival.com

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