[Tango-A] NA-E: Sunday is MAXI'S NIGHT in NYC

Lucille Krasne lukrasne at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 16 11:49:40 EDT 2010

At Esmeralda¹s Tango and Tapas this Sun. Sept 19-----at Session 73, 73rd and
1st, SW Corner

MAXI is back for some dynamite Mini-privates---he was over-booked last visit
to us!!
‹if possible, please call 212 777 6053  or email Francesca Bertelli at
francescabl25 at gmail.com. to reserve a time between 8:30 to 12:00,
He is a very popular teacher.

Join his class at 7:15-8:30. Please add $5 to the regular $10 milonga
Enjoy his performance at 10:30
He will perform with the very gifted Ann-Sophie Persson.

³Maxi is a porteño dancer who proudly continues the tradition of his
hometown social dance.  His professional life in tango is divided into two
main areas: researching the dance of the old generation milongueros and
teaching....His teaching is about sharing the magic of the porteño dance...
its technique, its culture, and its mystery."

During the mini-privates, Maximiliano will evaluate your dancing and give
you suggestions and exercises to improve your weak spots. If requested, the
session can be video taped with your camera/video camera or we can provide
you with a DVD of the class.

Dance 8:30 ­12:30 to the great traditional tangos (a dash of
salsa/swing/something else can occur)

Open level class with Danny and Doris teaching in the Party Room at 7:00.
Included in the $10 admission.

Courtesy WINE or BEER served with an order of Session¹s fabulous (and I am
not kidding) tapas Œtil 8:30 in the café.

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