[Tango-A] NA-C: Tango Contrapunto (Polyphonic) - Translating Music into Movement - Sunday, May 23, 2010.

Nina Pesochinsky nina at earthnet.net
Fri May 14 09:33:56 EDT 2010

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of Tango,

I would like to let you know more about this class and the work that I will 
be doing with the dancers.  The counterpoint of Argentine tango music is a
beautiful element of tango experience and it is worthy of deeper 

At the end of 2009, Grisha and I had presented our first master classes that 
we had called Polyphonic dancing.  In simple terms, polyphony means many 
voices. In my approach to dance polyphony, we are able to dance in separate 
voices, with separate, unique, but intertwined quality.  Each voice has its 
own distinct characteristics, such as quality, melody and rhythm.  In our 
first classes, we successfully were able to translate these elements into 
movement.  What we had discovered is that by following the structure of 
music, dancers improve their technique in their own chosen style of dancing. 
This sets dancers free of having to adapt to the styles of various teachers 
and allows them the freedom to follow the music, while at the same time 
improving their technique.

Now I have taken this material further.  In its full complexity, tango music 
is written in counterpoint, which is the actual relationship between many
independently defined voices.  This relationship is expressed through 
harmony and interconnection of independent rhythms.  It also connects,
contrasts and highlights the individual qualities of these independent 

For dancing, it is more appropriate to follow the complete harmonic 
relationship of the voices in counterpoint than the simple polyphony.  There
are also parts of the counterpoint relationship that cannot be danced in a 
physical way, but that transform movement when felt and understood by the

I hope that I am making some sense here.  The music of tango is so 
incredibly rich that it would be a great loss to dance only the obvious
melody or rhythm. I believe that the quality and structure of music can be 
almost entirely translated into movement.   I am convinced beyond doubt,
that every person is not only able to hear the music, but can also learn to 
express it in a remarkably unique way.   Dancing as much of the counterpoint 
structure and quality as possible allows dancers greater expression of the 
emotional content of music.

I think that this seminar will be a great experience for us all.  We will 
drown in the music of tango just for a little while, and we will emerge
transformed.  I do not know how each person with change, but there will be 
change.  Such is the power of music!  It gently teaches us to be amazed at 
who we discover ourselves to be.  Counterpoint of tango is the embrace of 
many voices.

What: ContrapuntoTango (Polyphonic) - translating the counterpoint of tango 
music into movement.
When: Sunday, May 23, 2010, 3:30PM - 5PM.
Where: Consulate Healing Center, 750 E. 9th Ave, Suite 210, Denver, CO, 
Cost: $15 per person.
Registration deadline: Tuesday, May 18, 2010.

You are welcome to register for this class even if you have not taken our 
previous Polyphonic Tango classes.  I will address the qualities of the
polyphony in the context of counterpoint.

Please let me know if I can answer any questions, or if you would like to 

My very best regards to you,

nina at earthnet.net

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