[Tango-A] NA-E: Ode To Osvaldo Zotto

sergio segura sergioseguratango at yahoo.com.ar
Sun Jan 17 12:40:22 EST 2010

On behalf of Jerry Minne:

Ode To Osvaldo Zotto

I saw them first,
Now years ago,
They danced like angels, 
Both fast & slow.
He, pure elegance,
Lorena too,
>From her lovely face
To high heel shoe.
He took first stride
To the side, 
She waited there, with great pride.
They'd do some moves
While in place
All so smooth, 
With style and grace.
As he'd move forward
At "cat like" pace.
The audience watched
Entrancement on their face.
He'd lead with his sole
"Close to the earth"
His back foot trailed
Toe at the floor,
The watchers waiting 
For so much more.
Slowly, steely,
They moved about
The watchers enthralled
About to cheer & shout.
Osvaldo moved
Then stopped "on wing",
Allowing Lorena
To do her thing.
The Vals was slow,
Then suddenly quicken
The two so perfect
We all so smitten!
Then the climax
With drama, no ploy,
The audience applauding
With such great joy!
While he waited, 
He watched her face
Her boleos flying
At  record pace!

But There is no joy in B.A.
No, not tonight my friend   
It is, sadly saying,
His final end.
But somewhere up "on high"
Way above the lovely cloud's
All the tango greats
Watching Osvaldo
Dance his final Vals!

Jerry Minne
January 12, 2010

Sergio Segura
Artist representative & Argentine Tango Cultural event producer
Co-director of Strictly Traditional Argentine Tango Dance Center
(917) 373-7446 or (917)-373-7444

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