[Tango-A] NA-E: Sergio back from the hospital, now at home

sergio segura sergioseguratango at yahoo.com.ar
Fri Feb 26 18:20:03 EST 2010

After feeling unwell for the month of January I was admitted to the emergency room of Bellvue Hospital on February 1st. I was very seriously sick with an infection of various organs of my body and in all thruthfulness I had to fight hard to survive.

I appologize for not being able to tell you all about this. As it was so unexpected I had no chance to inform everyone of my situation.

I would like to thank all those who visited me in the hospital, called me and sent me their good wishes. I appreciate all your love and warmth. You all have made me feel as if New York truly is my home town.

I am now back home and in recuperation. I am working to regain my strength and will be back at my school teaching in approximately two weeks.

Thank you once again

Sergio Segura
Artist representative & Argentine Tango Cultural event producer
Co-director of Strictly Traditional Argentine Tango Dance Center
(917) 373-7446 or (917)-373-7444

      Yahoo! Cocina

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