[Tango-A] NA-W: Advance notice of the Albuquerque Tango Festival

Daniel Boardman CCIM daniel at danielboardman.com
Tue Feb 23 00:41:49 EST 2010

Albuquerque Tango Festival
November 4-11, 2010

Albuquerque's first, locally-produced, tango festival will take place 
November 4-7, 2010 at the fabulous just-remodeled Albuquerque Hilton. 

Our amazing faculty will include: Alex Krebs (Portland), Christopher 
Nassopoulos and Caroline Peattie (San Francisco), Daniela Pucci and Luis 
Bianchi (Buenos Aires and NY). Guest instructors will include J. Abling 
(San Diego) and Robert Hauk (Portland). 

DJs include: Sabah Chamas (San Diego), Tine Herreman (NYC), Varo 
Boyajyan (LA), Paul Akmajian (ABQ) and Lampis Zalavras (LA). 
Events include 7 milongas, 22 classes, an Alex Krebs' guided practica, a 
guerrilla milonga, a beginner's milonga and...cakes at every milonga. 

The clear focus of this festival is providing optimal conditions for 
peak and profound tango experiences. This means: top-notch DJs, a great 
floor, many great dancers, and an emphasis on superior floor-craft and 

Come join us!

For updates join the group Albuquerque Tango Festival on Facebook or see 

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