[Tango-A] NA-C: Chas Gale in Fayetteville,Arkansas Feb. 26-28

Elayne elayne at elaynesdance.com
Thu Feb 18 15:52:57 EST 2010

If you couldn’t attend Tango del Corazon this past weekend, you’re in luck!
We had to reschedule due to circumstances beyond our control (Mother Nature,
etc). The new date is Feb 26-28 and you have another opportunity to register
for the whole weekend at the discounted rate originally offered. $120 for
everything if you get preregistered by Feb. 20. Or you can simply do the al
a carte. 

Chas Gale, our guest instructor, will join me in delighting you with the
“authentic Argentine Tango” danced in the barrios and the traditional
milongas of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 

 Find us on FACEBOOK at “idance nwa”   
idance® www.elaynesdance.com  479.595.9595 “building a dance community one
step at a time”

Friday, Feb. 26th             $35 per person($20 for students)
7:00 – 10:00pm, Guided Practica & Clinic: 
Essential to the entire weekend. 

Saturday, February 27th:   $30 per class per person($15 for students) 
1pm  -  Musicality for All Levels , Musical Relevance:
2pm -  Counter Body I: Crossed Feet and “The Magic Step”
3pm -  Vals: “The Tango That Flies”

Saturday night dance/milonga– 7-10pm – Dance Lesson 7pm - Dance 8-10pm? -
Tango, Salsa, RocknRoll  
$10 per person($5 for students)

Sunday February 28th     $30 per class per person($15 for students)
1pm -  Counter Body II: Crossed Feet and the Ocho Cortado, 
2pm -   Counter Body III: Turns, Yours, Mine & Ours.  
3pm - “Building Happy Milongas”  

Sunday night Practica/Milonga – 6pm-? $10 per person

#1 E. Center, East Square Plaza, downtown Fayetteville

Private lessons available.

If you need a place to stay, locals are willing to host.

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