[Tango-A] NA-C: locations announced for Negracha & Diego Lanau - September 14 to 21 in Chicago area

PJ Grant windycitytango at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 26 12:40:55 EDT 2010

Locations announced forNegracha and Diego Lanau in Chicago for the 1st time: 
September 14 – 21
Early discount package: ALL 9 for $175 by September 7 (ask about traveler and / 
or student discounts)
Weeknight classes ($15 each at the door; all 3 for $36; discount packages 
available)prior to regularly scheduled milongas where they might showcase
Wednesday, September 15    8:00-9:15 p    
ARTango (4011 N Ravenswood Ave -  #103, Chicago 60613 )
Milonguero Style:  posture, couple connection, balance, embrace, navigation, 
walking with smoothness and security (All Levels)
Thursday, September 16    8:00-9:15 p    before Milonga Cielo
BOOCOO Cultural Center (1823 Church St, Evanston IL 60201;www.boocoo.org)
Vals: rhythm, figures, couple coordination (All Levels)
Friday, September 17    8:00-9:15 p
American Tango Institute (325 N Hoyne - Ste C-404, Chicago 60612)
Milonga Lisa: walk on tempo; different angles with front change (All Levels)
Weekend workshops ($25 each at the door; any 3 for $70; all 6 for $135; discount 
packages available)
Saturday, September 18                     American Tango Institute (325 N Hoyne 
- Ste C-404, Chicago 60612)
  1:00-2:30 p  Milonguero Style:  rhythmical sequences, authentic movements, 
improvisation (Intermediate Plus)
  2:45-4:15 p  Milonga Lisa: "Old School Figures", cadencia (Intermediate Plus)
  4:30-6:00 p  Tango: combined movements, study of advanced figures, axis and 
energy in the couple (Advanced)
Sunday, September 19                     Tango 21 venue at
Ukrainian Cultural Center(2247 W Chicago @ Oakley - 2nd Flr, Chicago 60622)
12:00-1:30 p  Salon Style Tango: Improvisational figure development; techniques 
to dance like the best in BsAs (Intermediate Plus)
  1:45-3:15 p  Milonga Traspie: Close embrace, musicality, how move and finish 
the movement (Intermediate Plus)
  3:30-5:00 p Vals: turns and counter-turns, speed figures (Advanced)
  5:00-7:00 p Opposites Attract practica (All Levels) FREE to anyone with at 
least 1 paid weekend workshop or at least 2 paid weeknight classes
Early discount package: ALL 9 for $175 by September 7
Ask about student and / or travel discounts
More details and links to videos – such as Negracha and Diego bailan con los 
Reyes del Tango en Confiteria Ideal (http://www.youtube.com/v/H2H5EdR3-Ps) or 
Negracha and Diego bailan Poema en San Francisco 
(http://www.youtube.com/v/nAnNmcSMMHlA) - can be found at:  

To schedule private lessons ($110 / hour with discounts for small groups and/or 
multiple sessions), call them directly at, 510-363-6887. WindyCityTango offers a 
maximum discount of $10 per hour private lesson for each paid weekend workshop 

(weeknight classes are not eligible).
And watch for details regarding Judy and Jon Margolis teaching in Chicago, 
October 12-21, co-sponsored by una emocion and La Yunta.
Phoebe J. (PJ) Grant of WindyCityTango, Unlimited
312-60TANGO (312-608-2646) cell - text msgs welcome
WindyCityTango at yahoo.com (for tango business messages)
TangoLadyChicago at yahoo.com (for immediate communication)
Promoter, Teacher, Performer, Sponsor of Argentine Tango
on Skype: Phoebe-TangoLadyChicago

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