[Tango-A] Michelle and Murat Erdemsel in Atlanta, Jan. 15-17, 2010

Lena Hrybok lenahrybok at hotmail.com
Sat Sep 5 15:04:38 EDT 2009


Schedule of classes: http://tangoevolution.com/main.cfm?id=2672

Evolution is extremely excited to announce that we will be hosting
Michelle and Murat Erdemsel in Atlanta, on January 15-17 of 2010.

their enormous popularity all over the world and the United States,
this is their first visit to the South-East. They will be completing
their 6 month tour in Europe and heading directly to Atlanta.

So who are they and what makes them so special?

and Michelle have well over ten years of experience in teaching and
performing. Their methods of instruction are accessible and continue to
be extremely successful. It is rare to see a couple teaching with such
simplicity and clarity and also inspiring students with their unique
style of improvisational dance. 

What makes Murat and Michelle
even more unusual is their emphasis on community building and tolerance
among divisive groups. M & M's teaching style is concept based.
They teach the logic, anatomy and geometry of the dance. Students learn
about connection, lead and follow, musicality and etiquette. 

importantly they gain valuable skills in order to dance socially in the
milonga and take a more active role in their own education. They have
taught successfully in all the major festivals in the US and have been
visiting numbers of countries in Europe and Australia.

Mark your calendars (January 15-17 of 2010) and come to enjoy FUN, JOY
and LOVE of TANGO that Michelle and Murat keep portraying and
transmitting through their dance and teaching.

Details: http://www.tangoevolution.com/main.cfm?id=2666


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