[Tango-A] NA-E: Reminder Tango by MOONLIGHT Finale in Cambridge Tonight (Sunday)

ccdancer ccdancer at tangoluna.com
Sun Oct 4 12:09:04 EDT 2009

Don't forget that the most romantic outdoor dance event will take place tonight, Sunday, at Weeks Memorial Footbridge near Harvard Square, at the corner of Memorial Drive & DeWolfe Street.  We will start a bit earlier at 7 because the sun is setting a bit earlier now in the Fall.  So bring your passion and your desire to dance beneath the full moon tonight to Harvard Sq and dance the night away with us.

For those driving and need an address for your GPS, just punch in the address to Harvard's oldest dormitory, Dunster House, at 945 Memorial Drive, Cambridge.  The bridge is in front of Dunster House across the street across the Charles River.

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