[Tango-A] NA-E: Ana Padron & Diego Blanco in Buffalo - July 24-26 includes Friday night milonga and Argentine Short Films

Barbra buffmilonguera at aol.com
Thu Jul 2 19:23:26 EDT 2009

We have planned a very special weekend in July for Ana and Diego's 
first visit to Buffalo.

Friday, July 24, Milonga and Argentine Film Night, 8pm-midnight - 
thanks to
Maria, we will be showing Argentine short films which have been 
exhibited at
film festivals all over the world - and a short tango documentary by 
dancer and film-maker,Johnny Robinson. Ana and Diego will also perform 
in the
100 seat Alt Theatre, 255 Great Arrow Ave., Buffalo. In another room, 
we will
be having a milonga, so you have a choice of activities all night long! 
It will
be a very special and exciting night - so please plan on being here! 
$15 at the
door; $12 pre-pay ($25/$20 per couple)

Saturday, July 25, Workshops at Amherst Community Church, 77 Washington 
Williamsville, NY

Noon-1:30 - Making following easy (all levels)
2:00-3:30 - Exploring the giro (inter/adv)

Saturday night milonga - 8-?? at Amherst Community Church $12 at the 
door; $10
before July 17 ($20/$15 per couple)

Sunday, July 26, Workshops at Amherst Community Church

1:30-3:00 - Finding yourself and your partner in the dance...Exploring
connection (inter)
3:30-5:00 - Guided practica with Ana and Diego

Private lessons are also available (but they fill up quickly!)

1 workshop $25/$30 after July 17; 2 workshops $45/$55; 3 workshops 
$65/$80; 4
workshops $85/$100

Weekend package - All four workshops, Friday milonga and film night and 
milonga - $100/$125 after July 17. Household discount for two or more - 

Please contact me if you have any questions. I am really excited about 
weekend. Although we were supposed to be doing it at the Albright-Knox 
Museum, they had to cancel due to budget issues. However, the Alt is a 
and fun location - with lots of free parking! The Alt theatre and 
Argentine Tango Society are working together to promote the event and, 
thanks to
Maria, the films will make it a very special Friday night. I have been 
a long time to bring Ana and Diego here.


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