[Tango-A] (Tango-A) NA-W" Tango First Century"show in Modesto, California

Mary Menz mary.menz at sbcglobal.net
Sat Apr 25 22:38:46 EDT 2009

The Gallo Center for the Arts in Modesto is bringing Ensemble Romulo Larrea, with the critically acclaimed show, "Tango First Century," to Modesto for two performances May 15-16. This will be their only performance in Northern California.

There will be a free outdoor milongas in the Gallo Center plaza, in front of the theatre, beginning at 6 p.m. prior to each performance.

« A forceful, enticing tango - The Larrea ensemble delivers a sensual, gritty style to the melancholy music of the bandoneon. ∑the bandoneon is wielded by Larrea with unusual, invigorating rhythmic force. Tangos∑ for La Milonga" program speaks eloquently of tango as a distinctive and often profound expressive realm. Larc∑ is fearless, venturing a daunting array of tango classics. ∑the dancers adroitly summarize the range of tango style, from intense∑ to flamboyant. »
Lewis Segal, Staff writer, Los Angeles Times, California, USA

The Rómulo Larrea Tango Ensemble's follow up performance of their new show, Tango First Century, ∑provided the audience with an equally enchanting evening of tango song, dance and musical mastery∑ female vocalist Verónica Larc's glittering voice seemed itself sufficiently shining∑ an on stage presence as commanding as her superbly profound voice, Larc seemed at home on the stage∑. The addition of three strong, professional tango dance couples both complimented the ensemble and spoke for itself, bringing audience enthusiasm to new heights each time they glided smoothly onto the scene. .......
Jennifer E. Wesnousky, ExploreDance, New York, USA

« Romulo Larrea toca el bandoneon con un estilo auténtico. El Ensamble Romulo Larrea, un must para la 10ma edición del Festival VIVA EL TANGO. »
Caleidoscopio, Canal 10, TV Montevideo, Uruguay

Gallo Center For The Arts -1000 I Street, Modesto
Tango First Century / Foster Family Theater

All Performance Dates and Times
May 15, 2009 - 8:00 PM
May 16, 2009 - 8:00 PM
Featuring a cast of 14 artists, the sensuality of tango comes alive as this Quebec-based troupe explores the evolution of this mesmerizing art form. Tango First Century highlights Paris in the roaring twenties, the unforgettable Carlos Gardel, the golden age of tango in the 1940s, and the contemporary tango of Astor Piazzolla. Romulo Larrea's ensemble, formed in 1990, provides the backbone for this breathtaking production, performing a vast tango repertoire using an unorthodox combination of traditional tango trio (bandoneon, piano and double bass) and classical quartet (two violins, viola and cello).

The website is

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