[Tango-A] NA-C: Chicago: milonga Nuestro Tango on Fri., Sept. 26 features Ernest Williams & Maricela Wilson for pre-milonga class and showcase

PJ Grant windycitytango at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 24 16:39:57 EDT 2008

milonga Nuestro Tango, Inc. is THE place to dance on Friday, September 26, 2008. Come debate the debate (assuming it happens) with your tango friends and dance to the music of DJ Tony Costantino.

Ernest Williams and Maricela Wilson will teach an All Levels pre-milonga class "Pasadas y Barridas (Traps or Stops and Drags)", beginning at 7:45 p,with a separate $10 cost. There will be no 'free' class on September 26th. Ernest and Maricela, who also wll showcase around 11:00 p, recently returned from a USA tour during which they taught and performed to great acclaim. Students attending the pre-milonga class will pay a reduced milonga cover of $10 (yes, that's correct, the class AND milonga for only $20).

milonga Nuestro Tango, Inc. is danced the LAST Friday of EVERY month at The Latvian Community Center (4146 N. Elston Ave., Chicago) from 9:00 p to 1:00+ a. The hostesses - Valentina Cisar, Carmen Pinto and/or Phoebe J. Grant - provide a light buffet but BYOB; the cover for the milonga is $15. Don't fear, we will announce details for our special Halloween milonga on Friday, October 31st!

Contact Phoebe J. (PJ) Grant of WindyCityTango, Unlimited for details on the above events at WindyCityTango at yahoo.com (allow 24 hours for response to this email) or on her cell: 312-60TANGO (312-608-2646 - text msgs welcome) / Promoter, Teacher, Performer, Sponsor of Argentine Tango

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