[Tango-A] NA-E: Memorial Day W/E- Dance Fury Show & Dance, @Woodstock Tango, May 24

Ilene Marder imhmedia at yahoo.com
Wed May 7 16:21:21 EDT 2008

Back by Popular Demand!
3rd YEAR! DON’T MISS IT.... every year has been a sell-out!!!! Tickets 
available on-line now!

Saturday MAY 24 ~ MEMORIAL DAY Weekend

Woodstock Tango and The Bearsville Theater present

Angel Garcia Clemente's Tango y Mas production of
Show and Dance

8p Stage Show - With Some of the Hottest Dancers on the Planet! w/Peter 
Buettner and Friends...live music interludes!!!
10P Social dancing!- Swing DANCE... w/DJ Evan MacDonald & Argentine 
Tango/Latin... with DJ Ilene De Woodstock

at the exquisite Bearsville Theater,
Rt 212, 2 miles west of Woodstock

Dance Fury deftly intertwines the sensual movement of Argentine Tango, 
West Coast Swing, Salsa, and Latin Ballroom into a single explosion of 
passion and desire.... Followed by Tango and Swing social dances...2 
floors, 2 dj's!

$35 Show and Dances
$20 Dances only

SHOW Tickets available NOW!
@ www.BearsvilleTheater.com (events page)...
(You do not need an advance ticket if you are coming for the dances 
only, but reservations/advance purchase tickets are definitely 
recommended for the show!!)

TANGO Y MAS Dance Company
Angel Garcia-Clemente
Artistic Director
ANGEL GARCIA CLEMENTE: Director and Choreographer of the TANGO Y MAS 
theatrical dance company and Originator of DANCE FURY and ROXANA'S 
TANGO, nominated for best Musical and best Director in 2007 by the ACE 
awards. He is one of New York’s most popular and accomplished dancers 
and choreographers. Audiences throughout the U.S., South America and 
Europe have cheered the intensity and authenticity that is the hallmark 
of his work.

-The Village Voice

845 246-1l22- Ilene

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