[Tango-A] Upcoming Ney & Jennifer Workshops + BsAs Tour

Ney Melo neymelo at gmail.com
Tue Jan 29 00:26:31 EST 2008

Upcoming Ney & Jennifer workshops:

Jan 25/26 - Houston Tango Festival (http://houstontangofestival.com)
Feb 1/2 - Private Lessons in Austin
Feb 8/9 - Seattle Workshops (http://www.allseattletango.com)
Feb 15/16 - Portland Valentango (for fun)
March 22/23 - Montreal, Canada
April 18 - 25 - Tour to Buenos Aires (info is below)
June 6/7/8 - Capri Tango Festival

TOUR TO BUENOS AIRES April 18 - 25, 2008

Overview of what is included in the tour:
-7 nights accommodation (Double occupancy in clean, modern room)
-Breakfast every morning
-Taxi transfer to and from the Buenos Aires airport
-3 hours per day of intensive tango training with Ney and Jennifer
-Daily yoga and body work class to stretch out all the kinks from
dancing all night!
-Admission to all milongas, with reservations at the best tables
- Male and female "taxi dancers" who will dance with you at the milongas
-Shoe shopping with Jennifer including a private showing at the
incomparable Comme il Faut
(you are responsible for paying for your meals, taxi fares, and shop purchases)

Limited to 10 people.

Email ney at neymelo.com for prices and registration information.

Ney Melo
ney at neymelo.com

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