[Tango-A] NA-E: Northeast Federation of Tango Organizations!

Ilene Marder imhmedia at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 27 12:03:57 EST 2008


After booking Argentine tango artists for Woodstock Tango for the past 4 
years, and seeing the growth of small communities popping up everywhere, 
I have become interested in putting my 27 years of experience as an 
events-festival producer/organizer to good use to put together something 
we are calling the /Northeast Federation of Tango Organizations 
(NEFTO!)./...to help organizers afford to bring talented artists from 
BsAs( & other areas)  to our communities. It's in the formative 
stage...but so far, receiving lots of support and encouragment so we are 
moving ahead.
Specifics need to be worked out of course, but this missive is to 
determine how many of us are interested in participating in such a 
venture. The goal is to make it more affordable for organizers to host 
great dancer/teachers, to be able to showcase the best of Argentine 
Tango in our communities, and to help emerging and established artists 
find new audiences ( and yes, to help us all be better dancers!).
It may be as simple as sharing the skeds of visiting artists or may work 
on an annual dues paradigm...let's see where this take us!  Please let 
me know if you have any interest  and we'll go from there.
dance tango for peace!
all best,

Ilene Marder
Woodstock Tango

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