[Tango-A] NA-C: Ritz Tango Cafe hosts Opposites Attract practica and Tango Party Milonga on Sunday, Dec. 28th in Chicago

PJ Grant windycitytango at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 27 15:10:32 EST 2008

Please join us THIS Sunday, Dec. 28, for Opposities Attract practica from 3:00 - 6:00 p at Ritz Tango Café - with hot and cold beverages and light refreshments available for purchase, similar to CaféDuvall.Our regular practica pricing will apply: $10 walk-in, $8 with prior reservation to either Phoebe or Jacqui prior to noon on Sunday; packages available for multiple sessions (e.g., $35 for 5 practicas).  Several of us who attended the wonderful Hot Winter Tango Festival in St. Louis are demonstrating and practicing techniques and movements learned there plus a wide variety of other techniques - from basics to performancequality. 

Additionally, this Sunday, Dec 28th,Jorge Niedas and Dinah D'Antoni have generously extended special invitations to Opposites Attract dancers for their "Tango Party Milonga" at Ritz Tango Cafe Sunday ~ the last Milonga of 2008 at the Ritz Tango Cafe! Although regular tickets are $15 in advance or $20 at the door (includes milonga and sangria), anyone attending Opposites Attract this Sunday will be able to stay for the "Tango Party Milonga" for only $10! (Dinah and Jorge would like an advance indication of the numbers, so please let Jacqui or I know if you intend to stay for the Ritz Tango Cafe party or call Dinah directly at 312-217-0304 or email at dinah at tango21. com.) Come celebrate with friends, tango, and sangria - 7:00 pm to Midnight, with appetizer specials, pastries, espresso drinks, and more! Happy Holidays from your friends at Ritz Tango Cafe & Tango 21 

We also have confirmed Opposites Attract will continue at the Ritz Caféthrough at least mid-January 2009, until CaféDuvall's renovations are complete and it re-opens. And, if you want to stay and dance more, you can enjoy TANGO MATINEE at the Ritz Café every Sunday with alesson at 7:00 p prior to milonga which goes until midnight; $10 (includes milonga); BYOB (liquor license pending). 

Opposites Attract's temporary home on Sunday afternoons at the cozy Ritz Tango Café (933 N. Ashland Ave, Chicago, 60622 - Café tel. 773-235-CAFE (2233), www.ritztangocafe.com; http://www.google.com/maps?q=933+N+Ashland+Ave,+Chicago,+Illinois+60622,+USA&ie=UTF8&z=15&ll=41.900648,-87.667379&spn=0.01233,0.043001&om=1&iwloc=addr).

Please contact either Phoebe (312-608-2646) or Jacqui (773-865-9523) with any questions, directions, or reservations. We intend to resume Opposites Attract at Café Duvall as soon as it re-opens in 2009.

Wishing all our friends - tanguera/os - a joyous Holiday Season and fabulous start to 2009. Enjoy! 

Also, YOU are cordially invited to the“Black and White” 4th Annual First Milonga of the New Year - Thursday, January 1, 2009, 7:00 p to midnight at Barba Yianni Greek Taverna ( 4761 N Lincoln Ave , Chicago IL ). Entry: $10; FREE Intro class at 7:00 p. Hostessed by Valerie Wright (callValerie at aol.com / 773.505.3917) and Phoebe J Grant (312.60TANGO (312.608.2646) / TangoLadyChicago at yahoo.com).
Wear or BE Black or White, or ANY color of the rainbow! 
Featuring music by Chicago Milonguero DJ ~ Ray Barbosa.  
Phoebe J. (PJ) Grant of WindyCityTango, Unlimited
312-60TANGO (312-608-2646) cell - text msgs welcome
WindyCityTango at yahoo.com (for tango business messages)
TangoLadyChicago at yahoo.com (for immediate communication)
Promoter, Teacher, Performer, Sponsor of Argentine Tango

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