[Tango-A] NA-C: Opposites Attract practica continues on Sundays in December at Ritz Tango Café in Chicago

PJ Grant windycitytango at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 17 11:06:05 EST 2008

With Café Duvall's ongoing renovations through December, we are continuing to enjoy Opposites Attract's temporary home on Sunday afternoons at the cozy Ritz Tango Café (933 N. Ashland Ave, Chicago -Café tel. 773-235-CAFE (2233);http://www.google.com/maps?q=933+N+Ashland+Ave,+Chicago,+Illinois+60622,+USA&ie=UTF8&z=15&ll=41.900648,-87.667379&spn=0.01233,0.043001&om=1&iwloc=addr).

Please join us THIS Sunday, Dec. 21, for Opposities Attract practica from 3:00 - 6:00 p at Ritz Tango Café - with hot and cold beverages and light refreshments available for purchase, similar to Café Duvall. Our regular practica pricing will apply: $10 walk-in, $8 with prior reservation to either Phoebe or Jacqui prior to noon on Sunday; packages available for multiple sessions (e.g., $35 for 5 practicas).  

We also have confirmed Opposites Attract will be at the Ritz on Sunday, Dec. 28. Several of us who attended the wonderful Hot Winter Tango Festival in St. Louis are demonstrating and practicing techniques and movements learned there plus a wide variety of other techniques - from basics to performance quality. 

And, if you want to stay and dance more, you can enjoy TANGO MATINEE at the Ritz Café every Sunday with alesson at 7:00 p prior to milonga which goes until midnight; $10 (includes milonga); BYOB (liquor license pending) with new expanded dance floor.

Please contact either Phoebe (312-608-2646) or Jacqui (773-865-9523) with any questions, directions, or reservations. We intend to resume Opposites Attract at Café Duvall in January 2009.

Wishing all our friends - tanguera/os - a joyous Holiday Season and fabuous start to 2009. Enjoy!

Phoebe J. (PJ) Grant of WindyCityTango, Unlimited
312-60TANGO (312-608-2646) cell - text msgs welcome
WindyCityTango at yahoo.com (for tango business messages)
TangoLadyChicago at yahoo.com (for immediate communication)
Promoter, Teacher, Performer, Sponsor of Argentine Tango

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