[Tango-A] NA-E: The Black Cat Tango in Princeton

Tango Dancers tangodancers at comcast.net
Wed Dec 3 13:49:35 EST 2008

Another Dance on December 4,2008

Don't forget the dance is 9:00pm at the Suzanne Patterson Center
I wanted to make sure everyone was able to take advantage of the big  

This week at the Black Cat Tango we begin classes  
withwww.ArgenTangoDancers.com     Guillermo n Vittoria we going to  
have beginner classes at 9:00pm and followed with a guided Practica.

The same venue The Suzanne Patterson Centerhttp:// 
   and same Price $10.00. Those admission voucher are still good and  
if you have 2, you can use both of them now or save one for the next  

It is our intention to continue into next year with Guillermo and  
Vittoria. As that become finalized we'll send out a notice. So look  
forward to continuing into next year.

Come to ALL 3 of the December Classes and you'll automatically be  
entered in a free drawing for something pretty good. I haven't picked  
it out yet.

This week, December 4,when you come in, the admissions desk will ask  
if you can come to Milton's Birthday Party on December 5. We'll take  
up to 5 people to Philly for the Friday Night event. All you have to  
do is meet in Princeton at about 8:30 and we'll drive down and pay  
your admission. So get a double prize this week at the Black Cat  
Tango, a Lesson with Guillermo and Vittoria and a drawing for another  
trip t Philly!

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